Now that's an error you could reasonably yellow card me for, if I did
it again. Fixed, with my sincere apologies.


On Sun, Oct 29, 2017 at 8:19 PM, VJ Rada <> wrote:
> This has already been pointed out twice. I STILL didn't write HTML
> Scrubbing or No List Prefixes.
> On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 2:14 PM, Aris Merchant
> <> wrote:
>> Here's a draft. This should work properly, right?
>> -Aris
>> I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
>> Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
>> pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the
>> quorum is 6.0 and the valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is
>> also a valid vote, as are valid conditional votes).
>> ID     Author(s)      AI   Title                        Pender      Pend fee
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> 7931*  G.             3.0  Registration fix finally     G.          1 sh.
>> 7932*  ATMunn, [1]    1.0  A Reward for Obedience v5    ATMunn      1 AP
>> 7933*  Alexis         3.0  Ribbon Preservation Act      Alexis      1 sh.
>> 7934*  天火狐          1.0  Poetry Duel Challenge Writ   天火狐       OP [2]
>> 7935*  Trigon         3.0  Revision Limits v2           Trigon      1 AP
>> 7936*  V.J. Rada      2.0  Print Money                  V.J. Rada   1 AP
>> 7937*  V.J. Rada, o   2.0  I Demand Faster Auctions     V.J. Rada   1 AP
>> 7938*  Aris           3.0  Fix Campaign Proposals       Aris        1 AP
>> 7939*  V.J. Rada      1.0  Repeal the Reportor          V.J. Rada   1 sh.
>> 7940*  Alexis, [3]    3.0  High Power Cleanup           Alexis      1 sh.
>> 7941*  Alexis         1.0  HTML Scrubbing               Alexis      1 sh.
>> 7942*  Alexis         1.0  No List Prefixes             Alexis      1 sh.
>> 7943*  ATMunn         2.0  Mini fixes                   ATMunn      1 sh.
>> 7944*  Trigon         2.0  Who's the Secretary?         Trigon      1 AP
>> 7945*  Telnaior       1.0  Name and Shame               Telnaior    1 AP
>> 7946*  Telnaior       3.0  MASUAC [4]                   Telnaior    1 AP
>> 7947*  V.J. Rada, [5] 3.0  MCVotA [6]                   V.J. Rada   2 sh.
>> 7948*  o              1.0  FV Restoration               o           2 sh.
>> 7949*  V.J. Rada      3.0  HYGAVTFT [7]                 V.J. Rada   2 sh.
>> 7950*  G.             2.0  Boooo!                       G.          OP [2]
>> 7951*  G.             1.0  Zombie Auctions              G.          OP [2]
>> 7952*  G.             2.0  It LIVES                     G.          1 AP
>> The proposal pool currently contains the following proposals non-campaign
>> proposals:
>> ID    Author(s)     AI   Title
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> pp1   Alexis        1.7  A Most Ingenious Paradox
>> pp2   nichdel       2.0  Asset Auctions
>> The proposal pool currently contains the following proposals campaign
>> proposals:
>> ID    Author(s)     AI   Title                Office      Committed?
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> cp1   o             2.0  More Estates         Surveyor    False
>> cp2   V.J. Rada     1.0  A-SC [8]             Agronomist  False
>> cp3   o             2.0  Farm No More         Agronomist  False
>> Legend: <ID>* : Proposal is pending.
>> [1] Aris, Alexis, G.
>> [2] Official Proposal, inherently pending
>> [3] G., Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
>> [4] More Actions Should Use Agoran Consent
>> [5] Telnaior
>> [6] More Controversial Version of the Above
>> [7] Hopefully you guys all vote for this
>> [8] Agronomist-Surveyor Combination
>> A proposal may be pended for 1 AP, or for 1/20th the Floating Value
>> in shines (see the Treasuror's report).
>> The full text of the aforementioned proposals is included below.
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: 7931
>> Title: Registration fix finally
>> Adoption index: 3.0
>> Author: G.
>> Co-authors:
>> [It looks like we have various ways for players to make money now so
>> the re-registration bug can be fixed.  Also clearly defines the verb
>> "to register" and makes it clear that registered persons can't "re"
>> register].
>> Amend Rule 869 (How to Join and Leave Agora) by replacing:
>>   Citizenship is a person switch with values Unregistered
>>   (default) and Registered, tracked by the Registrar.  Changes to
>>   citizenship are secured.  A registered person is a Player.
>>   A person CAN (unless explicitly forbidden or prevented by the
>>   rules) register by publishing a message that indicates
>>   reasonably clearly and reasonably unambiguously that e intends
>>   to become a player at that time.  A person, by registering,
>>   agrees to abide by the Rules.  The Rules CANNOT otherwise bind a
>>   person to abide by any agreement without that person's willful
>>   consent.
>>   A player CAN deregister (cease being a player) by announcement.
>>   If e does so, e CANNOT register by announcement for 30 days.
>> with:
>>   Citizenship is a person switch with values Unregistered
>>   (default) and Registered, tracked by the Registrar.  Changes to
>>   citizenship are secured.  A registered person is a Player.
>>   To "register" someone is to flip that person's Citizenship
>>   switch from Unregistered to Registered.
>>   An Unregistered person CAN (unless explicitly forbidden or
>>   prevented by the rules) register by publishing a message that
>>   indicates reasonably clearly and reasonably unambiguously that e
>>   intends to become a player at that time. A player CAN deregister
>>   (cease being a player) by announcement. If e does so, e CANNOT
>>   register or be registered for 30 days.
>>   A person, by registering, agrees to abide by the Rules.  The
>>   Rules CANNOT otherwise bind a person to abide by any agreement
>>   without that person's willful consent.
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: 7932
>> Title: A Reward for Obedience v5
>> Adoption index: 1.0
>> Author: ATMunn
>> Co-authors: Aris, Alexis, G., V.J. Rada
>> Repeal rule 2482, "Victory Elections"
>> Create a new power-1 rule titled "Medals of Honour"
>> {
>> Medals of Honour are a destructible fixed currency tracked by the Herald.
>> In the 7 days of an Agoran month, any player CAN declare emself to be
>> eligible for a Medal of Honour by announcement if all of the following
>> are true:
>> * E has made at least 1 message to a public forum in the last Agoran
>> month.
>> * Eir Karma is not below -3.
>> * In the last Agoran month, e has not had a Card issued to em.
>> In the first 7 days of an Agoran month after the first 7 days, if there
>> are any players who are eligible for a Medal of Honour, the Herald CAN,
>> by announcement, initiate an Agoran Decision on who is to be awarded a
>> Medal of Honour. E SHALL do so within the 7 days of an Agoran month after the
>> first 7 days. For this decision, the valid votes are all players who are
>> eligible for a Medal of Honour, the vote collector is the Herald, and the 
>> voting
>> method is instant-runoff. Upon the resolution of this decision, the Herald 
>> CAN,
>> and SHALL in a  timely fashion, award the outcome of the decision a Medal of
>> Honour by  announcement. After a player is awarded a Medal of Honour, all
>> players who were  previously eligible for a Medal of Honour become no longer
>> eligible.
>> If, at any time, any player has 6 or more Medals of Honour, and e has
>> not won via this rule previously, e can win the game by announcement,
>> destroying all of eir Medals of Honour.
>> }
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: 7933
>> Title: Ribbon Preservation Act
>> Adoption index: 3.0
>> Author: Alexis
>> Co-authors:
>> Amend rule 2438 by appending the following to the second paragraph:
>> "If the rules are amended to change the types of Ribbon, if a player's Ribbon
>> Ownership is subsequently illegal, then it is updated by removing all
>> nonexistent types rather than resetting the entire value to default."
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: 7934
>> Title: Poetry Duel Challenge Writ
>> Adoption index: 1.0
>> Author: 天火狐
>> Co-authors:
>> A player CAN issue the title's writ
>> once a month to another, who
>> this month a different writ they yet remit,
>> by having the first player pays its due
>> of ten shinies and announces intent.
>> If a party remits, they are disgraced;
>> else the pair must to the public present
>> a poem each which then Agorans be faced
>> with a Decision of which one is better.
>> Each task a timely manner it be done,
>> The winner gains the loser as debtor,
>> of whose function this rule shall provide none.
>> The text above contitues a new rule
>> whose title matches this proposal's; cool?
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: 7935
>> Title: Revision Limits v2
>> Adoption index: 3.0
>> Author: Trigon
>> Co-authors:
>> Amend Rule 2201 "Self-Ratification" by removing the second paragraph and 
>> list.
>> Create a new rule with power 3 entitled "Doubt" with the following text:
>>   A doubt is an explicit public challenge via one of the following
>>   methods, identifying a document and explaining the scope and
>>   nature of a perceived error in it:
>>   1. An inquiry case, appropriate for questions of legal
>>       interpretation.
>>   2. A claim of error, appropriate for matters of fact.  The
>>      publisher of the original document SHALL (if e was required to
>>      publish that document) or SHOULD (otherwise) do one of the
>>      following in a timely fashion:
>>         A. Deny the claim (causing it to cease to be a doubt).
>>         B. Publish a revision.
>>         C. Initiate an inquiry case regarding the truth of the claim
>>            (if the subject is actually a matter of law), or cite a
>>            relevant existing inquiry case.
>> Create a new rule with power 3 entitled "The Revision Limit" with the 
>> following
>> text:
>>   The Revision Limit is an untracked natural singleton switch
>>   defaulting to 2 that CAN be set by any player without objection.
>>   If a report has had a number of revisions published to it greater
>>   than the revision limit, efforts by the player that published the
>>   report to collect a reward on eir next report are INEFFECTIVE.
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: 7936
>> Title: Print Money
>> Adoption index: 2.0
>> Author: V.J. Rada
>> Co-authors:
>> Amend rule 2487 "Shiny Supply Level" by replacing the number "1000"
>> with the text "equal to 70 times the number of players" and by
>> replacing "may" with "CAN and SHALL" and replacing "without 3
>> Objections" to "once per Agoran month, in the first Agoran week of
>> that month"
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: 7937
>> Title: I Demand Faster Auctions
>> Adoption index: 2.0
>> Author: V.J. Rada
>> Co-authors: o
>> In rule 2491, replace "At the start of each month" with "At the
>> start of each week"
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: 7938
>> Title: Fix Campaign Proposals
>> Adoption index: 3.0
>> Author: Aris
>> Co-authors: Ørjan
>> Change the power of the rule entitled "Campaign Proposals, with power 3"
>> to 3.0.
>> Retitle the rule "Campaign Proposals, with power 3" to "Campaign Proposals".
>> Amend the rule "Campaign Proposals" by replacing "and SHALL NOT be
>> distributed as required by the rules" with "and SHALL NOT be distributed
>> except as required by the rules".
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: 7939
>> Title: Repeal the Reportor
>> Adoption index: 1.0
>> Author: V.J. Rada
>> Co-authors:
>> Repeal rule 2446 "The Agoran Newspaper"
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: 7940
>> Title: High Power Cleanup
>> Adoption index: 3.0
>> Author: Alexis
>> Co-authors: G., Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
>> Text in square brackets is not a substantive part of this proposal and is
>> ignored when it takes effect.
>> Amend Rule 105, bullet 2 to read "When a rule is repealed, it ceases
>> to be a rule,
>> its power is set to 0, and the Rulekeepor need no longer maintain a record
>> of it."
>> [There is a ruling that repealed rules have their power set to 0, but I'm
>> not sure I fully agree with that conclusion; this makes it explicit which
>> can't hurt anyway.]
>> Amend Rule 106 by appending "Except insofar as the actions performed by a
>> proposal happen one after another, rather than simultaneously, a proposal's
>> effect is instantaneous. A proposal can neither delay nor extend its own
>> effect. Once a propsal finishes taking effect, its power is set to 0."
>> [Per discussion, do the same for proposals. While here, make it clear that
>> proposals are instantaneous. Please nitpick this, I'm pretty sure it's safe
>> but this is a very dangerous rule to get wrong.]
>> Set the power of all entities other than Rules, Regulations, and this
>> Proposal to 0. If rule 2493 was repealed, or the word "instrument" does not
>> appear in its text, also set the power of all Regulations to 0.
>> [This is a general cleanup that catches repealed rules and other entities.]
>> Amend Rule 105, bullet 3 by appending "Unless specified otherwise by the
>> re-enacting instrument, a re-enacted rule has power equal to the power it
>> had at the time of its repeal (or power 1, if power was not defined at the
>> time of that rule's repeal). If the re-enacting instrument is incapable of
>> setting the re-enacted rule's power to that value, then the re-enactment is
>> null and void."
>> [Re-enactment currently doesn't have a specified power; this causes it to
>> work roughly the way you would expect it to.]
>> Amend Rule 1023 by appending "The same applies, mutatis mutandis, to for
>> determining whether two points in time are within N months of each other,
>> for N greater than or equal to 2." as a new paragraph in the fourth bullet
>> in the first list.
>> [This makes the logical extension to "within 6 months", which is used,
>> explicit.]
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: 7941
>> Title: HTML Scrubbing
>> Adoption index: 1.0
>> Author: V.J. Rada
>> Co-authors:
>> The Distributor is hereby requested to enable the Mailman feature(s) to
>> strip non-plain-text parts of emails sent by the mailing
>> lists.
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: 7942
>> Title: No List Prefixes
>> Adoption index: 1.0
>> Author: V.J. Rada
>> Co-authors:
>> The Distributor is hereby requested to disable the DIS, BUS, and OFF
>> prefixes automatically added to mail sent by the mailing
>> lists.
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: 7943
>> Title: Mini fixes
>> Adoption index: 2.0
>> Author: ATMunn
>> Co-authors:
>> Amend rule 2514, "Emotions", by replacing "registrar" with "Registrar"
>> Amend rule 1650, "Silliness", by replacing "Each Nomic Week" with
>> "Each Agoran week"
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: 7944
>> Title: Who's the Secretary?
>> Adoption index: 2.0
>> Author: Trigon
>> Co-authors:
>> Replace all instances of the word "Secretary" in rule 2516: Passive Income
>> with the word "Treasuror"
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: 7945
>> Title: Name and Shame
>> Adoption index: 1.0
>> Author: Telnaior
>> Co-authors:
>> Amend Rule 2168 ("Extending the voting period", power 1) thus:
>> Modify the string
>>   "the vote collector for the decision SHALL issue a
>>   humiliating public reminder to the slackers who have not yet cast any
>>   votes on it despite being eligible"
>> to
>>   "the vote collector for the decision SHALL issue a humiliating public
>>   reminder naming the slackers who have not yet cast any votes on it
>>   despite being eligible"
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: 7946
>> Title: More Actions Should Use Agoran Consent
>> Adoption index: 3.0
>> Author: Telnaior
>> Co-authors:
>> Flip the Citizenship switch of Ienpw III to Unregistered.
>> Flip the Citizenship switch of Bayushi to Unregistered.
>> Flip the Citizenship switch of ProofTechnique to Unregistered.
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: 7947
>> Title: More Controversial Version of the Above
>> Adoption index: 3.0
>> Author: V.J. Rada
>> Co-authors: Telnaior
>> Deregister Murphy unless e objects during the voting period for this proposal
>> and deregister omd unless e objects during the voting period for this 
>> proposal
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: 7948
>> Title: FV Restoration
>> Adoption index: 1.0
>> Author: o
>> Co-authors:
>> If rule 2456 (“The Treasuror”) does not already contain it, add the following
>> paragraph to the end of that rule:
>>   The Treasuror CAN flip the floating value once a week by announcement. As 
>> part
>>   of eir weekly duties, e SHALL flip the Floating Value to the number of 
>> Shinies
>>   owned by Agora; e SHALL NOT ever set it to a different value.
>>   E SHOULD do this while publishing eir weekly report. If the Treasuror
>>   discovers that e last flipped the floating value to an incorrect value and 
>> e
>>   would not otherwise be able to set it again yet, e CAN and SHALL set the 
>> value
>>   to what it should have been set to in the first place by announcement.
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: 7949
>> Title: Hopefully you guys all vote for this
>> Adoption index: 3.0
>> Author: V.J. Rada
>> Co-authors:
>> Award V.J. Rada a black Ribbon. Enact a new power 3.1 rule
>> entitled "ayyyyyyyyyy dictatorship lmao" with the text "Agora's
>> official subtitle is Agora: Banana Republic. V.J. Rada is the
>> Dictator, and has the power to award anyone e likes a Victory and any
>> patent title.  Also, eir voting power is 100. Also, e is hereby
>> recognized as an abundantly cool dude. From two weeks after the
>> adoption of this rule, any player may cause it to repeal itself by
>> announcement."
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: 7950
>> Title: Boooo!
>> Adoption index: 2.0
>> Author: G.
>> Co-authors:
>> Create the following Power-2 Rule "Zombies":
>>   Master is a secured player switch with possible values of any
>>   player, and Agora.  Every player's default master is emself;
>>   rules to the contrary notwithstanding, a player CAN always flip
>>   eir own master to emself by announcement.
>>   A player whose master is not emself is a Zombie. A zombie's
>>   master, if another player, is allowed to act on behalf of the
>>   zombie (i.e. as the zombie's agent) to perform LEGAL actions.
>>   If a player has not made a public announcement in the past
>>   60 days, then any player CAN flip that player's master to
>>   Agora by announcement.
>>   Each zombie whose master is another player has an untracked
>>   switch indicating whether the zombie Owes a Scare to Agora,
>>   with values FALSE (default) and TRUE. All such switches are
>>   flipped to TRUE at the beginning of each month.  A zombie's
>>   master CAN flip that zombie's switch to FALSE by causing the
>>   zombie to perform a scary public action for the announced
>>   purpose of satisfying this scare debt.  If that switch for a
>>   given zombie is TRUE at the end of a month, then within the
>>   next seven days any player can flip that zombie's master to
>>   Agora by announcement.
>>   This switch is of course the zombie's Boo Lien switch.
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: 7951
>> Title: Zombie Auctions
>> Adoption index: 1.0
>> Author: G.
>> Co-authors:
>> Re-enact Rule 1885 (power-1) with a title "Zombie Auctions" and the
>> following text:
>>   Whenever a zombie has Agora for a master and an auction for it
>>   is not underway or been won in the last seven days, then the
>>   Registrar CAN and SHALL, in a timely fashion, put the specified
>>   zombie up for auction by announcement. Each auction ends seven
>>   days after it begins.
>>   During an auction, any player who is not a zombie CAN bid a
>>   number of Shinies for the specified zombie by announcement.
>>   The winner of the auction, if any, is the player who bids the
>>   highest number of shinies, with ties broken in favor of the
>>   earlier bidder.  The winner CAN and SHALL, in a timely fashion,
>>   flip the zombie's master to the winner by announcement, if e
>>   pays Agora the amount of the bid for the explicit and sole
>>   purpose of fulfilling this requirement. If there are no bids,
>>   the auction has no winner.
>>   If a zombie being auctioned ceases to have Agora as a master at
>>   any time between the initiation of the auction and the winner
>>   becoming the zombie's master (or failing to do so in a timely
>>   fashion after the auction), then the auction has no winner, and
>>   any obligations to pay for the zombie are voided.
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: 7952
>> Title: It LIVES
>> Adoption index: 2.0
>> Author: G.
>> Co-authors:
>> Increase the power of R1885 (Zombie Auctions) to 2.
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: pp1
>> Title: A Most Ingenious Paradox
>> Adoption index: 1.7
>> Author: Alexis
>> Co-authors:
>> Text in square brackets is not a part of this proposal and has no
>> effect.
>> Enact a new power-1 rule entitled "Win by Paradox":
>>   If a CFJ has been assigned a judgment of PARADOXICAL continuously
>>   for at least 7 days, and e has not done so already in respect of
>>   that CFJ, then that case's initiator CAN, by announcement, win the
>>   game.
>>   A player who wins in this fashion SHOULD submit a proposal to
>>   prevent the paradox from arising again.
>> Amend rule 591 by replacing:
>>   The valid judgements for an inquiry case are as follows, based on
>>   the truth or falsity of the statement at the time the inquiry case
>>   was initiated (if its truth value changed at that time, then its
>>   initial truth value is used):
>> with:
>>   The valid judgements for an inquiry case are as follows, based on
>>   the facts and legal situation at the time the inquiry case was
>>   initiated, not taking into account any events since that time:
>> [This is to prevent changing facts not related to truth or falsity, e.g.
>> availability of information, from affecting outcomes.]
>> and by replacing:
>>   * DISMISS, appropriate if the statement is malformed, undecidable,
>>   if insufficient information exists to make a judgement with
>>   reasonable effort, or the statement is otherwise not able to be
>>   answered with another valid judgement.
>> with:
>>   * DISMISS, appropriate if the statement is malformed, undecidable,
>>   if insufficient information exists to make a judgement with
>>   reasonable effort, or the statement is otherwise not able to be
>>   answered with another valid judgement. DISMISS is not
>>   appropriate if PARADOXICAL is appropriate.
>> and by appending to the end:
>>   * PARADOXICAL, appropriate if the statement is logically
>>     undecidable as a result of a paradox or or other irresovable
>>     logical situation. PARADOXICAL is not appropriate if IRRELEVANT
>>     is appropriate, nor is it appropriate if the undecidability
>>     arises from the case itself.
>> [The reference to IRRELEVANT is to prevent multiple wins from the same
>> paradox.]
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: pp2
>> Title: Asset Auctions
>> Adoption index: 2.0
>> Author: nichdel
>> Co-authors:
>> Amend 'Estate Auctions' by renaming it 'Auctions', by replacing the
>> first paragraph with:
>>   Once a week, while there is not already an Auction in progress, and
>>   while Agora owns at least one Asset that is not shinies, the Surveyor
>>   can and SHALL put one Asset Agora owns, that is not shinies, up for
>>   auction by announcement. Each auction ends seven days after it
>>   begins.
>> and by amending the third paragraph by replacing "the auctioned Estate"
>> with "the auctioned Asset".
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: cp1
>> Title: More Estates
>> Adoption index: 2.0
>> Author: o
>> Co-authors:
>> Create the Estate of Florin and the Estate of Guilder.
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: cp2
>> Title: Agronomist-Surveyor Combination
>> Adoption index: 1.0
>> Author: V.J. Rada
>> Co-authors:
>> Repeal rule 2504 "The Agronomist". Amend rule 2488 "The Surveyor" by
>> adding the text at the end "The Surveyor's weekly report includes:
>> A list of Farms and their owners.
>> A list of Comestibles offers that have not been accepted and have not 
>> expired.".
>> Replace all instances of the word "Agronomist" with the word "Surveyor".
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: cp3
>> Title: Farm No More
>> Adoption index: 2.0
>> Author: o
>> Co-authors:
>> Repeal rule 2504, 2502, 2501, and 2503.
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> --
> From V.J. Rada

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