This doesn't matter here because the exact phrasing of the proposal was
that we earned it, not that we became eligible for it.

On 11/26/2017 04:46 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> I award a Black Ribbon to each of the following persons:
> Aris
> ATMunn
> Corona
> G. 
> o 
> PSS 
> Telnaior
> VJ Rada
> 天火狐
> [And now, a Petard-Hoist rather than a banner-raising..]
> AP-CFJ:  G. owns a Black Ribbon.
> Ribbons is a place we never added "by announcement" to the awarding
> mechanism as far as I can tell.  I'm not sure any ribbons that people
> claimed to award themselves by announcement have worked since Proposal
> 7828 took effect on Oct 22 (that tightened up Rule 2125 requirements for
> specifying 'by announcement' along with CANs).
> [No, I obviously didn't notice this until I went just now to check].
> I submit and AP-pend the following proposal, "Ribbon fix", AI-3:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Amend Rule 2438 by replacing:
>        While a person qualifies for a type of Ribbon, any player can
>        generally award em that type of Ribbon.
> with:
>        While a person qualifies for a type of Ribbon, any player CAN
>        award em that type of Ribbon by announcement.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

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