Since rule 8004 obliterated the economy, I have created the following proto so that we can potentially do something with money soon.

WARNING: Very rough draft. I haven't looked at the ruleset in a long time so it's likely there are many errors.

Append the following to the third paragraph of rule 2166 "Assets"

      To "spend" an asset is to transfer it to Agora.

Create a new rule called "Tickets" (Power=2.0) with the following text:

      Tickets are assets. Each ticket has a switch with the possible
      values of any 5-digit long combination of the numbers 0-9 called
      its number switch, or "empty", defaulting to empty. A Ticket with
      the value of empty is called "unmarked", and a Ticket with a non-
      empty number is considered "marked".

      Two Tickets are said to have a digit in common when the Nth
      digit of both of the numbers are the same.

      Any player CAN create a Ticket in eir possession by announcement
      by spending 3 shinies. A player CAN set the value of a Ticket in
      eir possession from empty by announcement. Two tickets CANNOT have
      the same number unless the rules specifically state otherwise.

Create a new rule called "The Lottery" (Power=2.0) with the following

      In the first Eastman week of an Agoran month, the Treasuror SHALL
      do the following:

      1. Create a Ticket in Agora's possession and generate a random
         Ticket number, regardless of whether or not another Ticket
         exists with the same number.
      2. Post a message to the public forum containing:
         A. a list of all marked Tickets, their owners, and their
            numbers; and
         B. the number from item 1.
      3. Do the following:
         A. For every Ticket with two digits in common with the number
            from item 1, create 2 tickets in that ticket's owner's
            possession and transfer 20 of Agora's shinies to em;
         B. For every Ticket with three digits in common with the number
            from item 1, create 5 tickets in that ticket's owner's
            possession and transfer 40 of Agora's shinies to em;
         C. For every Ticket with four digits in common with the number
            from item 1, create 10 tickets in that ticket's owner's
            possession and transfer 80 of Agora's shinies to em;
         D. If a Ticket exists with five digits in common, transfer all
            of Agora's shinies to that Ticket's owner.
      4. Destroy all marked Tickets.

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