Occasional profanity is PG-13 so no worries lol

On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 2:41 AM, ATMunn <iamingodsa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> pls no swearing kthxbye
> On 2/11/2018 7:19 PM, Cuddle Beam wrote:
>> Oh shit, true. Well, OK.
>> On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 1:17 AM, Aris Merchant <
>> thoughtsoflifeandligh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> It was in eir previous report.
>>> -Aris
>>> On Sun, Feb 11, 2018 at 4:15 PM Cuddle Beam <cuddleb...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>   CoE:
>>>> 2018-02-12  Telnaior        +K (self-ratification)
>>>> You haven't earned it YET, self-ratification is after its undoubted for
>>>> a
>>>> week, as per R2201.
>>>> On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 1:06 AM, Telnaior <j...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>>>>> ----------------------
>>>>> Date of this report: 2017-02-12
>>>>> Date of last report: 2017-01-31
>>>>> Festivity: 0
>>>>> Players' ribbon holdings:
>>>>>                     ROGCBMUVIPLWKAT
>>>>> Alexis             ROGCBMUVIP WKA
>>>>> Aris               R    MUV P
>>>>> Corona
>>>>> Cuddle Beam           C M V   W
>>>>> G.                 ROGCBMUVIPLW AT
>>>>> Gaelan                C MUV     A
>>>>> Murphy                CB UV     A
>>>>> nichdel             OGCBMUV P W AT
>>>>> o                  ROG BMUV   W AT
>>>>> omd                   C  UV    KA
>>>>> pokes
>>>>> Publius [1]           C MUV
>>>>> Quazie              O C MUV    KA
>>>>> Telnaior                       KA
>>>>> Trigon
>>>>> Josh T. [3]              UV     A
>>>>> V.J. Rada               MU   LW
>>>>> Non-players' ribbon holdings:
>>>>>                     ROGCBMUVIPLWKAT
>>>>> ais523             ROGCBMUV PLWKAT
>>>>> aranea             ROGCBM V PLW A
>>>>> ATMunn                          A
>>>>> babelian                 U
>>>>> Bayushi                 MU
>>>>> Bede                    M     W
>>>>> Chuck                   M
>>>>> grok                O  BMUV
>>>>> Ienpw III                UV
>>>>> K                             W
>>>>> Ørjan                   M V
>>>>> Roujo                     V
>>>>> Sprocklem               MUV   W A
>>>>> stadjer                       W
>>>>> Tanner Swett          C M
>>>>> Tekneek                 M
>>>>> Tiger                  BM
>>>>> tmanthe2nd               UV
>>>>> Veggiekeks            C  UV
>>>>> Yally                   M
>>>>> Zachary W [2]            U
>>>>> [1] Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
>>>>> [2] Zachary Watterson
>>>>> [3] 天火狐
>>>>> The rules for Ribbons are set out in rule 2438. A quick guide to how
>>>>> most Ribbons work: various events cause you to "earn" a Ribbon; you
>>>>> then "qualify for" that Ribbon for 7 days. While you qualify for a
>>>>> Ribbon (and do not already own that Ribbon, and have not owned it
>>>>> recently), any player can "award" you that Ribbon. A few Ribbons
>>>>> work differently; see rule 2438 for details.
>>>>> Approximate summary of how each type of Ribbon can be gained:
>>>>> Red          Author an adopted proposal that amends a Power-3+ rule
>>>>> Orange       Author a proposal that is unanimously adopted
>>>>> Green        Hold an elected office for 30 days with no late duties
>>>>> Cyan         Deputise for an office
>>>>> Blue         Judge a CFJ without violating time limits to do so
>>>>> Magenta      Acknowldge Agora's Birthday
>>>>> Ultraviolet  Become Champion (typically by winning the game)
>>>>> Violet       Gain a Patent Title (except Champion, degrees)
>>>>> Indigo       Gain a degree
>>>>> Platinum     Become the Speaker
>>>>> Lime         Coauthor three adopted proposals within 7 days
>>>>> White        Never have had a White Ribbon, or be gifted one by someone
>>>>>                 who has never gifted a White Ribbon
>>>>> blacK        Awardable only by proposal or scam
>>>>> GrAy         Awarded monthly at the Tailor's discretion
>>>>> Transparent  Qualify for 5 Ribbons in the same week (ones you already
>>>>>                 have count)
>>>>> History of Ribbon holdings:
>>>>> 2014-11-04  aranea          +W (new to Ribbons)
>>>>> 2014-11-04  aranea          +C (deputising for Tailor)
>>>>> 2014-11-06  Sprocklem       +W (new to Ribbons)
>>>>> 2014-11-09  omd             +C (deputising for King Azaz)
>>>>> 2014-11-14  Alexis          +C (deputising for Herald)
>>>>> 2015-01-07  G.              +C (deputising for Referee)
>>>>> 2015-04-17  stadjer         +W (new to Ribbons)
>>>>> 2015-05-01  aranea          +R (Proposal 7736)
>>>>> 2015-05-01  aranea          +O (Proposal 7735)
>>>>> 2015-05-01  aranea          +L (Proposal 7735-37)
>>>>> 2015-05-01  G.              +R (Proposal 7734)
>>>>> 2015-05-01  G.              +O (Proposal 7738)
>>>>> 2015-05-01  G.              +L (Proposal 7734,38,39)
>>>>> 2015-05-01  G.              +P (appointed Speaker)
>>>>> 2015-05-12  ais523          +O (Proposal 7742)
>>>>> 2015-05-12  Alexis          +P (appointed Speaker)
>>>>> 2015-05-13  Alexis          +G (as Tailor)
>>>>> 2015-05-22  G.              +B (CFJ 3448)
>>>>> 2015-05-23  Alexis          +B (CFJ 3447)
>>>>> 2015-05-24  G.              +W (gifted by aranea)
>>>>> 2015-06-09  ais523          +G (as Prime Minister)
>>>>> 2015-06-29  Alexis          +M
>>>>> 2015-06-29  aranea          +M
>>>>> 2015-06-29  ais523          +M
>>>>> 2015-06-29  the Warrigal    +M
>>>>> 2015-06-29  Sprocklem       +M
>>>>> 2015-06-29  Tiger           +M
>>>>> 2015-06-29  G.              +M
>>>>> 2015-06-29  Bede            +M
>>>>> 2015-06-30  Gaelan          +M
>>>>> 2015-06-30  aranea          +A
>>>>> 2015-06-30  Alexis          +O (Proposal 7753)
>>>>> 2015-07-10  G.              +G (as Arbitor)
>>>>> 2015-07-12  aranea          +V ("Unchampion")
>>>>> 2015-07-26  Alexis          +A
>>>>> 2015-07-28  aranea          +B (CFJ 3449)
>>>>> 2015-08-03  ais523          +V ("Silver Quill 2015/07")
>>>>> 2015-08-10  Tiger           +B (CFJ 3451)
>>>>> 2015-08-11  omd             +K (by Proposal 7784)
>>>>> 2015-08-11  ais523          +K (by Proposal 7784)
>>>>> 2015-08-11  Alexis          +K (by Proposal 7784)
>>>>> 2015-08-11  Alexis          +R (Proposal 7772)
>>>>> 2015-08-11  Alexis          +P
>>>>> 2015-08-17  omd             +A
>>>>> 2015-08-21  ais523          +U
>>>>> 2015-08-21  omd             +U
>>>>> 2015-08-21  Alexis          +U
>>>>> 2015-09-30  Gaelan          +A
>>>>> 2015-10-08  Bede            +W (new to Ribbons)
>>>>> 2015-10-21  G.              +A
>>>>> 2015-11-27  Murphy          +C (deputising for Secretary)
>>>>> 2015-11-28  ais523          +P
>>>>> 2015-11-29  Murphy          +A
>>>>> 2016-02-21  Sprocklem       +A
>>>>> 2016-06-26  nichdel         +C (deputising for Registrar)
>>>>> 2016-06-30  Tekneek         +M
>>>>> 2016-06-30  nichdel         +M
>>>>> 2016-07-14  nichdel         +A
>>>>> 2016-08-01  omd             +V ("Distributor")
>>>>> 2016-08-20  ais523          +A
>>>>> 2016-10-13  Alexis          +C (deputising for Referee)
>>>>> 2016-10-13  Alexis          +A
>>>>> 2016-11-10  Alexis          +V ("Princess of Agora", via dictatorship)
>>>>> 2017-03-26  Tanner Swett    +C (deputising for ADoP)
>>>>> 2017-04-18  Quazie          +C (deputising for Superintendent)
>>>>> 2017-04-18  Publius [1]     +C (deputising for Registrar)
>>>>> 2017-05-10  o               +O (proposal 7846)
>>>>> 2017-05-10  o               +G (as Secretary)
>>>>> 2017-05-10  o               +B (CFJ 3485)
>>>>> 2017-05-10  o               +W (new to Ribbons)
>>>>> 2017-05-10  o               +T (+OGBWR)
>>>>> 2017-05-10  o               +R (proposal 7846)
>>>>> 2017-05-18  ais523          +C (deputising for Tailor)
>>>>> 2017-05-18  o               +A
>>>>> 2017-05-21  nichdel         +G (as Assessor)
>>>>> 2017-05-21  nichdel         +B (CFJ 3499)
>>>>> 2017-05-21  nichdel         +U
>>>>> 2017-05-21  nichdel         +P
>>>>> 2017-05-21  nichdel         +W (new to Ribbons)
>>>>> 2017-05-21  nichdel         +T (+GBUPW)
>>>>> 2017-05-22  ais523          +B (CFJ 3504)
>>>>> 2017-05-22  ais523          +T (+OBUVC)
>>>>> 2017-05-23  grok            +B (CFJ 3507)
>>>>> 2017-05-24  nichdel         +O (proposal 7852)
>>>>> 2017-05-25  tmanthe2nd      +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
>>>>> 2017-05-25  G.              +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
>>>>> 2017-05-25  CuddleBeam      +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
>>>>> 2017-05-25  Ienpw III       +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
>>>>> 2017-05-25  nichdel         +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
>>>>> 2017-05-25  o               +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
>>>>> 2017-05-25  Ørjan           +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
>>>>> 2017-05-25  Aris            +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
>>>>> 2017-05-25  Murphy          +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
>>>>> 2017-05-25  Quazie          +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
>>>>> 2017-05-25  Publius [1]     +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
>>>>> 2017-05-25  Sprocklem       +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
>>>>> 2017-05-25  Veggiekeks      +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
>>>>> 2017-05-25  Roujo           +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
>>>>> 2017-05-25  Gaelan          +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
>>>>> 2017-05-25  [2]             +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
>>>>> 2017-05-25  grok            +V ("Badge of the Great Agoran Revival")
>>>>> 2017-06-02  G.              +I
>>>>> 2017-06-05  ais523          +R (proposal 7853)
>>>>> 2017-06-05  Quazie          +O (proposal 7855)
>>>>> 2017-06-05  grok            +O (proposal 7857)
>>>>> 2017-06-10  Veggikeks       +C (deputising for Reportor)
>>>>> 2017-06-10  Murphy          +B (CFJ 3522)
>>>>> 2017-06-24  ais523          +W (status of ambiguous Ribbon determined)
>>>>> 2017-06-24  Alexis          +W (status of ambiguous Ribbon determined)
>>>>> 2017-06-28  Quazie          +K
>>>>> 2017-06-29  Quazie          +M
>>>>> 2017-06-29  CuddleBeam      +M
>>>>> 2017-06-29  Publius [1]     +M
>>>>> 2017-06-29  Chuck           +M
>>>>> 2017-06-29  Yally           +M
>>>>> 2017-06-29  grok            +M
>>>>> 2017-06-29  Aris            +M
>>>>> 2017-06-29  Bayushi         +M
>>>>> 2017-06-30  o               +M
>>>>> 2017-06-30  V.J. Rada       +M
>>>>> 2017-06-30  Ørjan           +M
>>>>> 2017-07-04  CuddleBeam      +W
>>>>> 2017-07-06  o               +A
>>>>> 2017-08-23  K               +W
>>>>> 2017-08-24  Quazie          +A
>>>>> 2017-09-06  Aris            +U (Apathy)
>>>>> 2017-09-06  babelian        +U (Apathy)
>>>>> 2017-09-06  Bayushi         +U (Apathy)
>>>>> 2017-09-06  Gaelan          +U (Apathy)
>>>>> 2017-09-06  grok            +U (Apathy)
>>>>> 2017-09-06  Ienpw III       +U (Apathy)
>>>>> 2017-09-06  Murphy          +U (Apathy)
>>>>> 2017-09-06  o               +U (Apathy)
>>>>> 2017-09-06  Publius         +U (Apathy)
>>>>> 2017-09-06  Quazie          +U (Apathy)
>>>>> 2017-09-06  Sprocklem       +U (Apathy)
>>>>> 2017-09-06  tmanthe2nd      +U (Apathy)
>>>>> 2017-09-06  V.J. Rada       +U (Apathy)
>>>>> 2017-09-06  Veggiekeks      +U (Apathy)
>>>>> 2017-09-06  Zachary W [2]   +U (Apathy)
>>>>> 2017-09-06  Josh T. [3]     +U (Apathy)
>>>>> 2017-09-06  V.J. Rada       +W (never owned before)
>>>>> 2017-09-13  Quazie          +P
>>>>> 2017-09-26  ais523          +L (proposals 7881, 7882, 7886)
>>>>> 2017-09-26  V.J. Rada       +L (proposals 7881, 7885, 7888)
>>>>> 2017-09-29  Aris            +R (proposal 7889)
>>>>> 2017-10-03  G.              +T (U [Apathy], P, O [proposal 7899],
>>>>>                                C [Assessor], B [CFJ 3567])
>>>>> 2017-10-09  G.              -T (ratification of an incorrect ADoP
>>>> report)
>>>> 2017-10-23  G.              +T (by proposal 7922)
>>>>> 2017-10-28  ATMunn          +A
>>>>> 2017-11-02  Alexis          +I (self-ratification)
>>>>> 2017-11-02  Alexis          +G (self-ratification)
>>>>> 2017-11-29  Josh T. [3]     +A
>>>>> ----- time of last report -----
>>>>> 2017-12-11  Telnaior        +A
>>>>> 2018-02-04  Cuddle Beam     +C
>>>>> 2018-02-05  Aris            +P
>>>>> 2018-02-12  Telnaior        +K (self-ratification)

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