So there were no comments on this is there interest?  I have a few 
minor edits but otherwise it can be started - but depends on whether
people want to play it.

On Wed, 27 Jun 2018, Kerim Aydin wrote: 
> [
> Ok, running out of time.  This is a quick job.  Please look and
> consider!  
> reference:  
> ]
> 0.  G. is the only member of this contract.  G. CANNOT win the Contest
>     or become a Contestant.  G. is the Judge (gamemaster) of this game.
> 1.  The CONTEST begins June 30, 2018, 00:00:00 GMT +1200.
> 2.  For 48 hours after the contest begins, any person can enter the 
>     contest (becoming a Contestant) by publishing a body of text 
>     clearly intended to be a Fantasy Rule, on behalf of themselves 
>     (no zombies or other act-on-behalf play). Entering the contest 
>     is NOT becoming a party to this contract.  When a contestant is
>     eliminated (ceases being a contestant), e cannot re-enter.  
> 3.  After 48 hours have passed since the contest began, no new 
>     Contestants can join.
> 4.  Only Contestants can publish valid fantasy rules. 
> 5.  For a fantasy rule to be valid, it must be consistent with all
>     previous valid fantasy Rules.
> 6.  When a contestant publishes an invalid fantasy rule, e receives
>     a Strike.  When e received 3 strikes, e is eliminated.
> 7.  For a fantasy rule to be valid, it must be possible for any
>     remaining contestant to publish a valid rule following it.
>     A contestant can publicly challenge that a particular rule
>     makes it impossible to continue. In that case, the publisher
>     of that rule has 24 hours to send the judge (privately or
>     publicly) a proposed valid rule that would work.  If e does
>     so, the challenger receives a strike, otherwise the rule is
>     invalid.  
> 8.  After the first 72 hours, the elimination period begins.  During
>     this period, a contestant is eliminated if 24 hours have passed
>     since e last published a valid rule AND 12 hours have passed
>     since any contestant last published a valid rule.
> 9.  The judge shall declare whether each fantasy rule is valid or 
>     invalid, and will award between -3 and +3 Style Points to each 
>     valid rule, by announcement, based on the quality of the rule 
>     with respect to the theme.
> 10.  The judge's final opinions are binding, although contestants
>     may publicly or privately appeal (to the judge) any judicial
>     ruling they feel was made in error, and the judge may revise
>     eir judgement at any time.
> 11.  When all contestants have been eliminated from the contest, the
>     winners are (1) the last contestant eliminated and (2) the 
>     person with the most style points after all contestants have
>     been eliminated.
> 12. The judge is the final arbitor of matters of this contract, and
> eir decisions can only be overturned if a CFJ finds eir decisions
> were made with arbitrary or capricious disregard for the terms of
> this contract.  The judge shall adjudicate this contract in equitable
> terms, with emphasis placed on the intent of the clauses.
> 13.  The judge CAN terminate this contract with Notice after August 1,
> 2018.
> 14. The theme of the Contest is "OYEZ, OYEZ!  THE DISPUTE BEFORE US

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