On Fri, 2018-06-29 at 14:09 -0700, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> But more to the point maybe this theme would end up as graybeard-only
> which wasn't my intent (but that was great addition to the previous
> memoirs Dave!) - I was thinking entries would be as much about judicial
> procedure as the actual arguments, e.g. "your honor, the next Rule must
> move to strike the evidence presented in a previous rule" and that kind 
> of thing.  Maybe the theme needs tweaking?

I'd much prefer this to be entirely "in-character" and not refer to the
fantasy rules themselves. Something as simple as "I move to strike the
evidence. Here are my reasons:" and leaving someone else to finish the
sentence would achieve the same thing as your example in a much more
flavourful way.


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