This is a pretty good idea.

I intend to declare victory by apathy, with its set of players being just

On Sun, Oct 7, 2018 at 11:29 PM D. Margaux <> wrote:

> I withdraw the earlier version, and submit and pend:
> //////
> Title: Buried Intent Prevention Act v2
> AI: 3
> Author: D Margaux
> Coauthors: Aris, G
> Amend Rule 1728 to replace,
> “1. A person (the initiator) announced intent to perform the action,
> unambiguously and clearly specifying the action and method(s) (including
> the value of N and/or T for each method), at most fourteen days earlier.“
> with:
> “1. A person (the initiator) conspicuously and without obfuscation
> announced intent to perform the action, unambiguously and clearly
> specifying the action and method(s) (including the value of N and/or T for
> each method), at most fourteen days earlier.“
> /////

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