So, here’s a description of the most recent wins/attempted wins:

The most recent attempted win was this message, where I tried to win by apathy:
  I think that that buried intent maybe worked—the intent was clearly labeled a 
“new msg” with that specific date, rather than part of the history that it was 
embedded in.  I actually don’t think there’s an open CFJ about that.

The next wins before that are all the Round Robin wins. Those are the subject 
of open CFJs to determine who, if anyone, won on that day. 

Next before that was my October 3 attempt to win by apathy. That’s the subject 
of the CFJ that G. is currently reconsidering.

And then next before that was Left||Right, where the following players won: 
CuddleBeam, G., Aris, omd, twg, and D. Margaux.

> On Oct 20, 2018, at 8:52 PM, Aris Merchant 
> <> wrote:
> As soon as the information is determined, the PM's office would greatly
> appreciate being aprised of which players are currently laureled. There
> have been so many wins lately that is inforfmation is difficult to figure
> out.
> Sincerely,
> The Office of the Prime Minister

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