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On 11/30/18 5:55 PM, ATMunn wrote:
I had the idea recently to start up a sort of newspaper thing in which, every week, I would publish the "paper" every Sunday to agora-discussion. It would be formatted kind of like an actual newspaper, potentially even with multiple columns and stuff.

Having multiple columns is a cute idea, to be sure, but I think it would make it less viewable to anyone not using a fixed-width email client all the time.

The paper would include summaries of any major events (namely proposals, CFJs) which happened during the last week. There may even be snippets of reports in there, like votes or office holdings or whatever.

Ah, like the Agoran Weekly Journal (

From someone who decided to document thousands of proposals at once, I can say that the AWJ is very useful for historical document scouting. If you decide to do this, I'm sure some Agoran Historian would find it useful.

I could also include some little essays and the like, talking about Agoran culture and history, or maybe talk about various rules, as a help to newer players. And, of course, anybody else could submit articles if e wanted.

That would be useful indeed. You might get more authorship interest if you gave out some small amount of coins for submitting articles.

In a nutshell, this is the old Reportor or whatever it was called, but better, and not an office.

Yes, Reportor was what it was called. Rule 2446. We repealed it because no one was very devoted to the task. If you think you would be, I think you should go for it.

Feedback appreciated! I already started working on a Python script to help me with the formatting, so it's fairly likely that I will continue through and do this.

So, immediately I associated this with three historical mechanics: Firstly, the Reportor, which you mentioned; secondly, the AWJ, which I mentioned; and thirdly, the Phone Books, which used to be the Registrar's report back in 1994.

The Phone Books officially consisted of The White Pages, a list of players, active or otherwise and the Blue Pages, a list of Officers. However, the Registrar could add whatever the thought would be useful otherwise.

Under Ørjan's reign as Registrar, e added a section called The Yellow Pages, which consisted of paid advertising space. This brings me to my suggestion, and why I brought this up in the first place: you should sell ad space in the newspaper, as a fun minigame and also a way to make some quick money.

For more information on the Phone Books rule, look at Rule 676 in Ørjan's archive.


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