On Monday, January 14, 2019 9:32 PM, Timon Walshe-Grey <m...@timon.red> wrote:
>    Asset class   Recordkeepor       Ownership
>    -----------   ----------------   -------------------------
>    Coins         Treasuror (twg)    Agora, players, contracts
>    Balloons      Clork (twg)        Players
>    Favours       Clork (twg)        Players
>    Blots         Referee (twg)      Persons
>    Spaceships    Astronomor (twg)   Players
>    Energy        Astronomor (twg)   Spaceships

Oops, added those Clork and Astronomor lines in a week too early. Oh well, just 
ignore them for now, I guess.


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