On May 23, 2019, at 1:27 AM, Reuben Staley <reuben.sta...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Well, in order for a cleaning to be valid, it must be a "correction". If 
> there is nothing to correct, then the cleaning can nowise be effective. Rule 
> 2429 ("Bleach") states that "[r]eplacing a non-zero amount of whitespace with 
> a different non-zero amount of whitespace is generally _insignificant_, 
> except for paragraph breaks." This seems to disqualify spacing issues as 
> corrections, as they are "insignificant.”

On May 23, 2019, at 1:24 AM, ais...@alumni.bham.ac.uk wrote:

> You're suggesting a no-op change to the rules; the text that you're
> trying to replace and the text that you're trying to replace it with
> are the same. Rule 2429 says that the two sets of text are completely
> identical.
> If you want to suggest that the Rulekeepor formats the SLR/FLR
> differently than they currently are, you can do that, but you do so via
> talking to the Rulekeepor, not via attempting to amend the rules e's
> publishing to have different formatting (because the formatting isn't
> actually part of the rule and thus can't be amended).

Fair enough. I should have additionally included in my original reply to Trigon 
that I’m glad e’s willing to correct it directly!

It seems to me that if the rules address formatting, then formatting _is_ in 
fact significant, but I’ll accept the rationale for this specific change not 
being significant as “Bleach” explicitly excludes whitespace from the class of 
significant formatting. Consider my intent abandoned.


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