On Wed, Jun 12, 2019 at 8:40 AM D. Margaux <dmargaux...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Under R2154, “In a timely fashion after the nomination period ends, the ADoP 
> CAN and SHALL” initiate an Agoran decision to resolve that PM “election.”

IMO one of the biggest recurring grammatical issues in the Rules is
whether "CAN and SHALL in a timely fashion" is "CAN (and SHALL in a
timely fashion)" or "(CAN and SHALL) in a timely fashion".  It's come
up a few times at least but does anyone remember if we solved it in a
CFJ somewhere?  Obviously the flipped form in R2154 is a grammatically
strong case for (2).  I tried at one point to introduce the definition
WILL (e.g. "The AdoP WILL initiate...") where WILL means one of those
two options, but I think opinions were split on which option should be
the default.  There are use cases for both.

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