Gratuitous arguement:  Seems to be TRUE to me.  Corona subsequently
became a zombie, but I see no rules that would retract a player's
consent to holding office upon becoming a zombie, nor are there any
prohibitions against zombies being elected to offices.  Not sure what
I'm missing, but seems straight forward to me.

On Wed, Jun 12, 2019 at 1:16 AM Kerim Aydin <> wrote:
> The below CFJ is 3732, I assign it to Murphy.
> ===============================  CFJ 3732  ===============================
>        In the message quoted below, Corona gave eir 'explicit or
>        reasonably implied consent', as required by Rule 1006, to be made
>        the holder of Prime Minister.
> ==========================================================================
> Caller:                        twg
> Judge:                         Murphy
> ==========================================================================
> History:
> Called by twg:                                    02 Jun 2019 14:59:08
> Assigned to Murphy:                               (as of this message)
> ==========================================================================
> Caller's Evidence:
> On Friday, July 6, 2018 10:58 AM, Corona wrote:
>  > I become a candidate for Prime Minister.
>  >
>  > Platform: Not being the other guy, who currently supports unpopular and
>  > somewhat misguided reforms.
>  >
>  > ~Corona
> ==========================================================================

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