Sorry, I'm being an idiot - I was looking back and forth between
things and got the SHOULD/SHALL thing backwards backwards.

On Wed, Jun 12, 2019 at 11:44 AM Kerim Aydin <> wrote:
> To me, OUGHT is closer to SHOULD than SHALL, and it bears a tinge of
> reproach (you ought not to have done that).  In particular, if you
> look at the single place it's used, in R2231, that's clearly (to me
> anyway) a SHOULD not a SHALL:  "As this title is the highest honour
> that Agora may bestow, a Bearer of this title OUGHT to be treated
> right good forever."  I don't want to turn behavior towards a Hero
> into a SHALL.
> More generally,  R2231 aside, I just don't see a strong use case for
> codifying a capitalization for this (it doesn't fill in a missing
> grammatical construction or anything).

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