On 9/2/19 12:00 AM, James Cook wrote:
I'm reminded of H. Judge D. Margaux's conclusion in the judgement of
CFJ 3737* that an action can be regulated for some people and not
others. I wonder if existing could be regulated for some entities but
not others. Though I'm a bit confused about where that would lead,
e.g. if a Coin doesn't exist because the rules say it doesn't, then
does that mean its existence is no longer regulated since it's not
actually a Coin?

Statement: "If the contract in evidence were to come into force,
breathing would be a regulated action."


I remember that judgement (that was a fun case), but I'm still not quite sure how H. Judge D. Margaux reached the conclusion that R2125 can apply the same action differently to different entities.

Jason Cobb

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