On 10/13/2019 10:26 AM, Jason Cobb wrote:
> On 10/13/19 7:01 AM, Timon Walshe-Grey wrote:
>> Enact a new Rule of Power 1.0 with the text:
>>         Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the Rulekeepor's reports
>>         NEED NOT include this rule or any information about it. Clearly
>>         identifying this rule is the Class 1 Crime of Uttering the
>>         Forbidden Name.
>>         Any player CAN, without objection, exorcise this rule (cause it
>>         to repeal itself).
> This could still penalize the Rulekeepor, since e SHALL assign the rule a
> title under R2141, and e would have to identify the rule to do so, so e's
> damned if e does, damned if e doesn't

Where does it say that the assignment need be done publicly?  It also need
not be sequential - that's tradition not requirement - so the Rulekeepor can
assign it a number (e.g. "Pi") secretly[1].  Then it would be illegal to
pass on that information to the next Rulekeepor...

[1] Must be a real number as per R2509, and I believe precedent holds that
it must be previously-unused (otherwise it's not an ID which by common
definition must be unique).  Otherwise sky's the limit AFAICT.


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