Why would we want this? Our system is explicitly designed to make sure
that people can't announce intent to do something with support or with
Agoran consent, and then single-handedly tank the intent. That sort of
thing was the source of scams (or at least I seem to recall hearing it
was) and required other people to intend to perform the same action if
they wanted to be safe. To solve the problem, we allow supporters to
act on behalf to do something even if the original announcer won't;
this would break that protection. Furthermore, I see no significant benefit to
doing this.


On Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 7:49 AM Alexis Hunt via agora-business
<agora-busin...@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> Proposal: A Degree of Inefficiency (AI=3)
> {{{
> Amend Rule 2595 (Performing a Dependent Action) by inserting ", and did not
> subsequently withdraw, " immediately after "published" in the first
> paragraph.
> }}}
> -Alexis

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