On 2/1/20 7:05 PM, Jason Cobb wrote:
> On 2/1/20 6:57 PM, Aris Merchant via agora-business wrote:
>> I intend, with 2 support, to group-file a motion to reconsider.
> I self-file a motion to reconsider in CFJ 3788.

Alright, a less insane and non-procrastinated draft judgement that I can
leave up for more than a day:


In this judgement, I will use the "effective date" as listed in the
document, and the "modification date" as "Dec 14 00:15:00 UTC 2019".

Rule 1551/20 states that

>       When a document or statement (hereafter "document") is ratified,
>       rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the gamestate is modified
>       to what it would be if, at the time the ratified document was
>       published, the gamestate had been minimally modified to make the
>       ratified document as true and accurate as possible; however, if the
>       document explicitly specifies a different past time as being the
>       time the document was true, the specified time is used to determine
>       the minimal modifications.

First, I find that Rule 1551's clause about "multiple substantially
distinct possible modifications" being equally appropriate does not
apply; I believe that exactly one of Falsifian's offered interpretations
must be platonically correct, and that judgement must therefore be more
"appropriate" than the other interpretations. So, the ratification did
not fail for this reason.

Next, we must consider what changes happen if "the gamestate had been
minimally modified to make the ratified document as true and accurate as
possible [on the effective date]."

In this case, the changes are relatively simple. The primary change is
that "At [the modification date], the fora agora-official and
agora-business became discussion fora." By the definition of "to become
X" in Rule 2162/13, this means that the Publicities of the two Fora were
flipped to Discussion at the modification date. So, the gamestate would
be modified at the effective date by 1) changing the value of both
Publicity switches to Discussion, since nothing had flipped them in the
intervening second and 2) updating the historical record between the
modification date and the effective date.

Falsifian suggests that it would be more minimal for the gamestate to be
changed only by updating the historical record. I find that this would
be less "true and accurate" to the document than flipping the switch and
including all consequences of the switch being flipped, and so is not
what happens. E also suggests that only updating the value of the
switches at the modification date, and not any later time (thus causing
the switches to revert back to Public). Although this would mean that
less of the historical record has to be updated, this would again
arguably be less "true and accurate" to the document, which does not at
all suggest that it inserts additional historical events into the record
that revert what it has already done. Additionally, this interpretation
would likely break self-ratification of switch reports, which would be
against the best interests of the game, so Rule 217 suggests that I
should reject it.

Now, we must consider what the current gamestate would be if the
previous description was true at the effective date. This would include
1) updating the history back to the modification date, and through to
the present, and 2) since nothing else had flipped the publicity of
either forum (until the hypothetical second document was ratified),
would flip the values of the Publicity switches to Discussion in the

These events are consistent with what the caller labels interpretation
a. TRUE.

Jason Cobb

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