On Fri, Jun 19, 2020 at 8:54 PM nch via agora-discussion <
agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> On 6/19/20 10:36 PM, nch via agora-business wrote:
> > Amend R2622, "Pending Proposals", to read in full:
> >
> >         Ready Method is an untracked proposal switch with possible values
> >         [None, Pended, Special] and default value None. If a proposal has
> >         a non-default Ready Method, it is ready.
> >
> >         Any player CAN pay 1 Pendant (syn. pend) to flip the Ready Method
> >         switch of a specified proposal to Pended. If the player did not
> >         create the proposal and is not listed in the list of co-authors
> of
> >         the proposal, e is added to the list of co-authors.
> >
> >         The Promotor CAN, without objection, flip the Ready Method of a
> >         specified proposal to Special.
> >
> > [This is the crux of the change. Replace Pending with a trinary switch,
> > letting us distinguish how something was pended/made ready. I also got
> > rid of the "once a week" limit on the Promotor power and made it
> > without objection.]
> Reflecting on this part a bit, as well as discussion in the other
> thread: It might be better to do:
>        The Promotor CAN, once a week and with 2 Support, flip the Ready
>        Method of a specified proposal to Special.
>        Any player CAN, without objection, flip the Ready Method of a
>        specified proposal to Special.

Without objection is a really high standard. My rule of thumb is that if
something requires without objection approval, someone will object. They
may even object for no reason, because they don't like the idea of a
proposal being pended in such a way. I think it should be reserved for
things that are so scary that we absolutely cannot stand the chance of them
being abused, like direct rule changes.

FWIW, you can trust me not to abuse any power you put in my hands as
Promotor. On the other hand, I'd prefer not to have someone run against me
in an election on the platform "vote for me and I'll pend all your
proposals!". I hope no one like that would win, but it shouldn't be
something we allow (even in theory) either. I'd suggest the Promotor CAN
with ~5 support, or perhaps the Promotor CAN without 3-5 objections. Either
of those should be strong enough you can take the one week cap off without
inviting catastrophe.


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