On 7/3/2020 10:41 AM, Cuddle Beam via agora-discussion wrote:
> What's the Annabel Crisis?

- A person registered under the name Annabel, did not much for a month or
so, then deregistered.

- ~6 months later, a long-time player (Maud) confessed that e had been

- It was decided that Annabel's "I deregister" message applied to Maud, so
Maud hadn't really been a player for those 6 months.

- Unfortunately, e'd been (thought to be) promotor during that time, and
this was before self-ratification, and there wasn't anything like "a
document purporting to initiate a decision...[could ratify]".  It just
amounted to, if e hadn't been promotor, none of those proposals were ever
distributed or adopted.

- After a lot of discussion about whether the game was unfixable, it was
fixed by proposal ratifying everything e'd done, and became the case study
for self-ratification and the "document purporting to be" language.  The
fix steps included everyone announcing that they "resigned promotor" so
there was certainty over who might be promotor (because only the promotor
could distribute the fix).


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