On 7/12/2020 5:53 PM, ATMunn via agora-discussion wrote:
> I'm not sure I entirely understood that conditionals were even a thing.
> Could you give some sort of example of a conditional?

It's only for builds and retreats.  In normal diplomacy, there's a brief
"retreats and builds" phase after orders.  If you're forced to retreat and
have three possible options, then the gamemaster asks you on the spot
after the moves are initially resolved, and you choose where to retreat
while looking at the results of all the moves.  Or if you're asked to
build, you choose A or F and which square, after looking at the whole board.

In Diplonomic, the rules eliminate the "asking" step, so if you anticipate
a retreat you'd say something like "If Holland is forced to retreat,
retreat to the first legal square on (ordered list)".

Or for builds, if you don't know how many supply centers you'll gain you
say, "prioritize builds in this order (list)".


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