On Thu, Jul 22, 2021 at 2:56 PM Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion
<agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> Proto: dating standards
> Amend Rule 478 (Fora) by replacing:
>    performed at the time date-stamped on that message
> with:
>    performed at the earliest credible time date-stamped on that message
> ["earliest" because that's closest to hitting the send key, "credible" to
> make it clear that it's a matter of evidence not logic.  In practice, this
> means go with the Date: field unless there's evidence that it's not
> credible in some way, in which case go with the next earliest - likely the
> first forum stamp].

I'd prefer to leave this more open. I do agree that "the time
date-stamped on that message" is actively confusing, and should be
changed. However, I don't think the right solution is to legislate a
standard for something that game custom can (IMO) just do a better
chance of handling.

Here are a few alternatives that preserve our current way of handling this:

"performed at exactly one of the times date-stamped on that message"

"performed at exactly one of the times date-stamped on that message;
selecting which one is a matter of game custom"

The first one may prompt questions from new players, but is perhaps
stylistically cleaner. The later one is a nearly verbatim copy of the
current rule annotation.


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