El 07/02/2022 a las 00:09, ais523 via agora-discussion escribió:
On Mon, 2022-02-07 at 01:04 +0100, nethack4.org dicebot via agora-
business wrote:
The dice roll was: 134
This is R2641, Wielding Stones.

For reference:
       Except as otherwise specified by the rules, the owner of a stone
       CAN wield it by announcement specifying any values needed to
       interpret the stone's effects.
If a stone has a frequency, then it is IMPOSSIBLE to wield that
       stone if it has been previously wielded in the same Agoran time
       interval as indicated by its frequency (e.g. if its frequency is
       daily, if it has been wielded in the same Agoran day).
When a stone is wielded, the Rule defining that stone applies the
       effects in that stone's scroll.

Any suggestions?

       Except as otherwise specified by the rules, the owner of a *device*
       CAN wield it by announcement specifying any values needed to
       interpret the *device*'s effects.

       Except as otherwise specified by the *devices*, the owner of a stone
       CAN wield it by announcement specifying any values needed to
       interpret the stone's effects.

       When a *device* is wielded, the Rule defining that *device* applies the
       effects in that stone's scroll.
s/scroll/device/> When a stone is wielded, the Rule defining that stone applies the
       effects in that stone's *device*.

 ¸¸.•*¨*• Play AGORA QUEST


I’m always happy to become a party to contracts.
transfer Jason one coin
nch was here
I hereby
don't... trust... the dragon...
don't... trust... the dragon...
Do not Construe Jason's message with subject TRIGON as extending this

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