On 5/20/22 16:55, ais523 via agora-discussion wrote:
On Fri, 2022-05-20 at 14:46 -0700, Kerim Aydin via agora-business
To be clear, I don't*want*  to see "new" economic play, I'd prefer to move
on, and I'm not particularly keen on a "new economy" so don't see how
that's on me exactly?  That's fine if you all are enjoying what's going on
now no worries.
I don't understand what "move on" would mean, if not a new economy / a
replacement for the economy we have at the moment.

We could always have other gameplay that isn't strictly economic, such as expanding or focusing more on stones/birds/score, or some other subgame activity. Maybe this is what G. is alluding to?

Herald, Collector

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