Ok here's a big (not) economic proposal. It revolves around gaining
points for high score.

The first most notable change is the complete elimination of coins.
Current coin holdings are liquidated into points based on each player's
proportion of the total coins.

The second is a relatively small but extremely impactful change in
stamps. Stamp wins are removed, and minting stamps is done mostly
through dreams. Stamps earn points by being cached in 'runs' of
different stamps (with exponential gains as the number of stamps rises)
or 'sets' of the same stamp (with linear gains).

The third is a big overhaul of dreams. Dreams are changed to be set
weekly, and mostly have passive effects. They are also simplified a bit
mechanically. Dreams are now the way to get L&FD items (instead of
auctions) and Stamps (instead of minting).

Title: Anti-Capitalists Dream of Stamp Collecting
AI: 2.0
Author: nix
Co-author(s): G., Jason

Set each coin balance to their values in the Nov 13th, 2022 Treasuror

Set each Stamp balance to their values in the Nov 12th, 2022 Collector

For each player, increase eir score by X/Y*100 (rounded up), where X is
eir coin balance and Y is the total buoyancy.

Repeal the following rules in the order they are listed: R2456 (The
Treasuror), R2483 (Economics), R2545 (Auctions),  R2634 (Buoyancy
Control), R2635 (Floating Rate Fleet), R2559 (Paydays), R2666 (L&FD
Auctions), R2649 (Vocal Voter Verification Award), R2496 (Rewards), and
R2631 (Charities).

Amend R2585 (Birthday Gifts) by replacing:

       During a player's Agoran Birthday and the 7 days following, each
       other player CAN once acknowledge that person's birthday by
       announcement.  Doing so grants the birthday player 3 boatloads of
       coins if it is actually the day of the player's birthday, and 2

       Players are ENCOURAGED to announce their Agoran Birthdays.


       In a timely manner after the start of a player's Agoran Birthday,
       the Herald SHALL announce it.

Amend R2499 (Welcome Packages) by removing:

       * 10 boatloads of coins, AND

Amend R2656 (Points) by removing:

       The Herald CAN once each, by announcement, grant 15, 10, and 5
       boatloads of coins to the players who had the most, second most,
       and third most points (respectively) at the end of the previous
       quarter. E SHALL do so in a timely manner after the beginning of
       the quarter.

Amend R2581 (Official Patent Titles) by removing:

       - Tycoon, awardable by the Treasuror to any player who executes a
         novel economic or contractual enterprise that has a significant
         impact on the game, especially if it involves leveraging
         synergies for win-win outcomes for the benefit of multiple

Amend R2657 (Scoring) by replacing:

         * Having an Agoran Birthday: 15 (Herald).

         * Receiving any patent title: 10 (Herald).

         * Receiving a ribbon: 5 (Tailor).


         * Having an Agoran Birthday: X, where X is the number of active
           players during eir birthday (Herald).

and adding:

         * Judging a CFJ that e was assigned to without violating a time
           limit to do so, unless at the time of judgement the case was
           open due to self-filing a motion to reconsider it: 2

Amend R2659 (Stamps) by removing "and Agora" and replacing:

        Any player CAN pay 3 boatloads of coins to grant a specified
        player 1 Stamp of the granter's own type.

        Any player CAN pay 1 Stamp of eir own type to grant emself 1
        boatload of coins.

        Any player CAN pay 1 Stamp of another person's type to grant
        emself 2 boatloads of coins.


        Any player CAN, once per week, pay X Stamps, where each
        specified Stamp is a different type, to increase eir own score by
        (X^2)-X points.

        Any player CAN, once per week, pay X Stamps, where each Stamp is
        the same type, to increase eir own score by (X-1)*2 points.

Amend R2675 (Dream of Wandering) to read in full:

       The Dream Keeper is an office; its holder is responsible for
       keeping track of the dreams of all active players.

       Dream is a secured active player switch, tracked by the Dream
       Keeper in eir weekly report, with possible values any Dream,
       defaulting to Wandering.

       An active player CAN "envision" eir own Dream, specifying any
       valid value for eir Dream, by announcement. When the rules state
       that the wandering occurs, every active player's Dream is set to
       the value e most recently envisioned. If a player did not envision
       a dream since the last wandering, it is not flipped.

       A wandering occurs at the beginning of each week.

       The following is an exhaustive list of all Dreams and the rules
       relevant to each dream:

       - Wandering: This dream has no effect.

       - Charity: The Charity Item is the item type that the L&FD owns
         the most of (if there is a tie, the first the L&FD owned, and if
         still tied, the first alphabetically). Immediately after a
         wandering, for each player with the Charity Dream, in reverse
         order of when eir Dream was last flipped (and in reverse order
         of registration if tied), one item of the Charity type is
         transferred from the L&FD to em.

       - Justice: Immediately after a wandering, 1 blot is expunged from
         each player with the Justice Dream. If a player with the Justice
         Dream had no blots immediately after a wandering, e CAN once
         expunge one blot, by announcement, from a specified player
         before the next wandering.

       - Wealth: Immediately after a wandering, 2 stamps of eir own type
         are granted to each player with the Wealth Dream.

       - Machinery: A player with the Machinery Dream CAN Flip the Device
         with Agoran Consent. A player with the Machinery Dream CAN take
         a specified action on behalf of the the device with 1 support.

       - Gardens: Once per week, a player with the Gardens Dream CAN, by
         announcement, transfer the mossiest stone (if there is a tie,
         then a specified stone tied for mossiest) Agora owns to emself.
         E SHOULD specify the stone when doing so.

       - Power: The voting strength of a player with the Power Dream has
         eir voting strength increased by 2 for referenda on ordinary

       - Revolution: A revolution is happening if the majority of Dreams
         are set to Revolution. Immediately after a wandering, if a
         revolution is not happening, then all players with the
         Revolution Dream have eir score decreased by 1. Immediately
         after a wandering, if a revolution is happening, then all
         players have eir score set to 100-X, where X was eir score when
         the wandering occured, and all player's Dreams are set to

snail becomes the Dream Keeper.

Amend R2632 (Complexity) by adding the following paragraph to the end:

       For each office a player holds, eir voting strength is increase
       by the complexity of the office for referenda on ordinary
       proposals, up to a maximum increase of 3 by this method.

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