Jason wrote:


As selected on Discord #botspam, the rule for this week is Rule 2585
("Birthday Gifts"). I affirm under penalty of No Faking that, to the
best of my knowledge, the process used in this selection had the correct

Please send suggestions if you have them!

The text of Rule 2585 is reproduced below for convenience:

Rule 2585/7 (Power=1)
Birthday Gifts

       It is considered to be a player's Agoran Birthday on the
       anniversary of the day e first registered. If the day a player
       first registered is unknown, that player CAN, with Agoran consent,
       declare a day to be eir Agoran Birthday. As long as the day a
       player first registered remains unknown, it is considered to be
       eir Agoran Birthday on the anniversary of the day e most recently
       declared as eir Agoran Birthday.
During a player's Agoran Birthday and the 7 days following, each
       other player CAN once acknowledge that person's birthday by
       announcement.  Doing so grants the birthday player 3 boatloads of
       coins if it is actually the day of the player's birthday, and 2
Players are ENCOURAGED to announce their Agoran Birthdays.

"It is considered to be a player's Agoran device on the anniversary of
the day e first registered."

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