I deputise temporarily for Herald to publish the following weekly report (not letting anyone steal it this time):


Herald's Weekly report

Date of Last Report: 05 May 2020
Date of This Report: 03 May 2020

Karma  Entity
-----  --------------------------

+7     Jason


+4     Aris
+3     G.
+3     twg
+3     Trigon
+3     Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
+2     omd
+2     Warrigal
+1     Alexis
-1     ATMunn
-1     Bernie
-1     o
-1     Gaelan
-1     R. Lee
-2     Rance
-3     Agora
-3     Falsifian
-3     Murphy
-4     CuddleBeam
-4     Baron von Vaderham
-4     D. Margaux


(none currently) <= HONOURLESS WORM

-----  --------------------------
All other entities have 0 Karma.

Notices of Honour (2 Years History):

[New Week 04-May]

Trigon (03 May 2020)
+1 Jason (sorry for making you deal with all of this vote switchery)
-1 G. (I think this reaction was wildly overblown)

Alexis (03 May 2020)
+1: R. Lee (rejoining as an active participant)
-1: G. (putting a minor rule abuse ahead of fixing a broken historic

G. (03 May 2020)
+1 Jason (a person deserving of Shogun)
-1 Alexis (for unnecessary reconsideration)

[time of last report]

Murphy (28 Apr 2020)
+1 PSS (testing the finger-pointing rules in an interesting way)
-1 ATMunn (randomly chosen zombie)

Alexis (28 Apr 2020)
+1 R. Lee (scummy report thievery)
-1 R. Lee (scummy report thievery)

[New Week 27-Apr]

G. (25 Apr 2020)
+1 PSS (catching up the treasury office)
-1 twg (the departure)

[New Week 20-Apr]

Aris (14 Apr 2020)
+1 Warrigal (introducing the amazing term "boo clause")
-1 PSS (attempting to levy excessive fines)

[New Week 13-Apr]

Alexis (11 Apr 2020)
+1 PSS (for eir careful investigation as Referee)
-1 G. (for dismissing petitions as unimportant)

R. Lee (09 Apr 2020)
+1 Jason (rulekeeping is one of the hardest jobs (along with treasuror,
          which nobody is doing, therefore keeping the game mechanics in
          eternal stasis)
-1 R. Lee (because lets be honest, i deserve to be honourless worm)

G. (09 Apr 2020)
+1 PSS (having to deal with the paperwork)
-1 R. Lee (for attempting to launch fishing expeditions)

Quartery Adjustment, April 01, 2020
Jacob Arduino: -1 -> 0
Agora: == -3

R. Lee (31 Mar 2020)
+1 Jason (for putting to rest a piece of ancient history)
-1 Aris (for abusing a motion to reconsider to extend a deadline)

Alexis (31 Mar 2020)
+1 Jason (for putting to rest a piece of ancient history)
-1 Aris (for abusing a motion to reconsider to extend a deadline)

[New Week 30-Mar]

[New Week 23-Mar]

Falsifian (21 Mar 2020)
+1 Alexis (Helping the Registrar keep more accurate information)
-1 Alexis (Punishing me for an error I could not have known about
           without spending unreasonable effort verifying the records
           I inherited from the previous Registrar. (I first joined
           Agora long after the event in question.))

Telnaior (21 Mar 2020)
+1 Alexis (for catching something small but important that was missed
           in the history books)
-1 Falsifian (for stuffing up the player list)

G. (20 Mar 2020)
+1 Jason (for losing a chance to judge a case older than emself)
-1 Aris (for jumping onto an assigned case)

R. Lee (16 Mar 2020)
+1 Aris (because [e]'s epic)
-1 Falsifian (for self ratifying that I am not a player, three times)

Alexis (16 Mar 2020)
+1 Aris (for having to wait so long for a peer review)
-1 Alexis (for the delay)

[New Week 16-Mar]

Falsifian (15 Mar 2020)
+1 G. (keeping things moving)
-1 Falsifian (Ineffective Registrar)

Jason (14 Mar 2020)
+1 Murphy (seems like e should be higher than -4)
-1 G. (down with the Shogun!)

[New Week 09-Mar]

G. (02 Mar 2020)
+1 Gaelan (showing willingness to work with the geezers)
-1 nch (sitting at +1 for no particular reason)

[New Week 02-Mar]

Gaelan (01 Mar 2020)
+1 Warrigal (submitting his contract as 72-character-wide Markdown)
-1 CuddleBeam (for making me handle emoji (fine, would’ve needed to
               do that if 天火狐 ever showed up again) and a value
               of N that can’t be stored as number in any reasonable
               computer system)

[New Week 24-Feb]

[New Week 17-Feb]
[time of last report]

Aris (13 Feb 2020)
+1 Jason (having to deal with the mess)
-1 Aris (messing up horrifically *twice*)

[New Week 10-Feb]

twg (9 Feb 2020)
+1 Gaelan (helpfully providing a ruleset at a time when several large
           changes are going on simultaneously)
-1 Jason (delaying ruleset publication at said time)

[New Week 3-Feb]

Gaelan (31 Jan 2020)
+1 Alexis (for responsibly pointing out that something's broken, instead of
           practicing the all-too-common Agoran Shove Under the Rug)
-1 Jason (for a proposal that requires an intimate familiarity with the
          rule to figure out what the hell it does, without an explanatory
          in the proposal)

twg (31 Jan 2020)
+1 Gaelan (I knew what was going to happen and it was still one of the most
hilarious things I've seen in Agora)
-1 Baron von Vaderham (presently designated karma source)

Alexis (29 Jan 2020)
-1 Alexis (for making the Promotor do eir work for em)
+1 Aris (for having to do Alexis's work)

[New Week 27-Jan]

Jason (20 Jan 2020)
-1 Gaelan (for attempting to remove our H. Karma source)
+1 Baron von Vanderham (for being a good Karma source)

Alexis (20 Jan 2020)
+1 twg (for eir impassioned defence of the core of Nomic gameplay.)
-1 Aris (for eir persistent opposition to the core of Nomic gameplay.)

G. (20 Jan 2020)
-1 G. (for robbing Aris of the Shogun last week)
+1 Agora (community restoration)

[New Week 20-Jan]

Bernie via twg (18 Jan 2020)
+1 Aris (entertaining CFJ judgement)
-1 Gaelan (improper budgeting of eir Notice of Honour allocation :P)

twg (17 Jan 2020)
+1 G. (digging up all this old information)
-1 Baron von Vaderham (presently designated karma source)

Gaelan (16 Jan 2020)
-1 Jason for winning an auction in a very unsportsmanlike manner
+1 G. for eir tireless and selfless work for the good of Agora

G. (13 Jan 2020)
-1 Aris (we are all but stewards for the true Shogun).
+1 Agora (the sacrifice of the greatest restores the whole).

[New Week 13-Jan]

G. (12 Jan 2020)
+1 Agora (restoring community honor)
-1 Baron von Vaderham (if you're forcing us to keep you on the books
but otherwise not playing, you need a purpose - karma source).

[time of last report]

*** Jason (12 Jan 2020)
-1 Jason managing to keep the gamestate uncertain for ~1 month
with this scam attempt (sorry, H. Treasuror).
but otherwise not playing, you need a purpose - karma source).

[time of last report]

*** Jason (12 Jan 2020)
-1 Jason managing to keep the gamestate uncertain for ~1 month
with this scam attempt (sorry, H. Treasuror).
+1 Alexis  amazing judgement

*** Alexis (12 Jan 2020)
-1 Jason for calling a CFJ on eir own scam and presenting no
arguments about the most critical aspects of eir case.
+1 omd for the detailed additional arguments.

omd (11 Jan 2020)
-1 omd (for not judging)
+1 Alexis (for having to judge instead)

Falsifian (11 Jan 2020)
+1 to Aris for starting a MUD.
-1 to Bernie for also disappearing.

[New Week 06-Jan]

Jason (1 Jan 2020)
+1 omd: Being a great Distributor
-1 Baron von Vanderham: inactive, doesn't need it

Falsifian (1 Jan 2020)
+1 to omd for eir persistent work getting the mailing list working.
-1 to Rance for disappearing. I miss Rance.

Quarterly Adjustments (1 Jan 2020)
+1 R. Lee
+1 Jacob Arduino
-2 Agora

[New Week 30-Dec]

Falsifian (23 Dec 2019)
+1 to Murphy for being a marvy Agoran.
-1 to Falsifian for giving an officer a hard time.

[New Week 23-Dec]

Falsifian (20 Dec 2019)
+1 to Jason for publishing Rulekeepor reports.
-1 to Murphy for being flaky about ADoP duties.

[New Week 16-Dec]

G. (11 Dec 2019)
+1 Jason for suggesting a "there shall be no Shogun" tradition.
-1 Murphy for ADoP absence.

Jason (11 Dec 2019)
+1 ATMunn: Welcome back!
-1 G.: You've been up there a while.

Bernie via Jason (11 Dec 2019)
+1 Agora: Agora isn't that bad, it shouldn't be at -4.
-1 Aris: There shall be no Shogun.

[New Week 09-Dec]
[New Week 02-Dec]
[New Week 25-Nov]
[New Week 18-Nov]
[New Week 11-Nov]
[New Week 04-Nov]

Gaelan (2 Nov 2019)
+1 to omd (for quickly dealing with Gaelan's somewhat lazy CFJ)
-1 to o (for a rather annoying precedent)

omd (1 Nov 2019)
-1 Gaelan (for not providing any arguments in CFJs 3777-3778)
+1 Jason (for citing a relevant precedent)

[New Week 28-Oct]

ATMunn via Falsifian (27 Oct 2019)
+1 CuddleBeam (because there's no shame in reanimation)
-1 Rance (in retaliation)

Falsifian (27 Oct 2019)
+1 Aris (for a well-written R2557 apology)
-1 Baron von Vaderham (for being randomly selected to lose karma)

(26 Oct 2019)
Missed quarterly changes were ratified, making these adjustments:
+1 Hālian
+2 R. Lee
+1 nch
-4 Agora

Rance via G. (26 Oct 2019)
+1 G. (to ascend the throne)
-1 ATMunn (zombie of a rival faction)

G. (26 Oct 2019)
+1 nch (for a fresh start)
-1 CuddleBeam (for regular reanimation)

nch (21 Oct 2019)
+1 to Jason for generally being helpful since I got back.
-1 to Aris for incredibly rudely correcting nch.

[New Week 21-Oct]

Falsifian (14-Oct)
+1 to G. for organizing the Subgame-in-a-Rule contest.
-1 to omd for being randomly selected by me to lose karma.

[New Week 14-Oct]

twg (12 Oct 2019)
+1 Jason (coming up with eir thesis analysis)
-1 omd (least active person with positive karma)

[New Week 07-Oct]
[New Week 30-Sep]
[New Week 23-Sep]
[New Week 16-Sep]

G. (13 Sep 2019)
+1 D. Margaux (generally not an honourless worm).
-1 Aris (general karma decay, no rebuke implied).

[New Week 09-Sep]

Jason (02 Sep 2019)
+1 twg for bringing that criminal scum officer to justice
-1 Jason for trying to create chaos

Falsifian (02 Sep 2019)
+1 Jason for helping to keep track of blots.
-1 Falsifian for stirring up trouble, and for not taking the time to
think of a more interesting victim for this Notice of Honour.

[New Week 02-Sep]

twg (26 Aug 19)
+1 Aris (dedicated to eir duties despite extenuating circumstances)
-1 CuddleBeam (denying us eir zombiehood while not actively playing)

[New Week 26-Aug]
[New Week 19-Aug]
[New Week 12-Aug]

Falsifian (11 Aug 2019)
+1 Aris, as proxy for non-player R. Lee, for attempting to curb the
growing body of required text appended to the each rule.
-1 Jason for adding required text anyway.

G. (9 Aug 2019)
+1 Falsifian for a peaceful and error-free reign [as Speaker].
-1 Jason for a quick usurpation [of Speaker].

[New Week 5-Aug]
[New Week 29-Jul]

G. (28 Jul 2019)
+1 Agora (making Agora whole)
-1 Aris (the Shogun's sacrifice eir honour for the honour of eir homeland)

D. Margaux (28 Jul 2019)
+1 Aris (tribute to the shogun)
-1 D. Margaux (claiming title of honorless worm)

Jason (23 Jul 2019)
+1 twg: well-written and extensive judgement [CFJ 3756] for a slightly
careless question
-1 Jason: calling a CFJ on a statement with a slightly obvious
answer, putting something pretty clearly wrong in CFJ arguments

Proposal 8204 (took effect 23 Jule 2019)
- Tenhigitsune's karma set to 0.
- Agora's karma set to -1.

R. Lee (22 Jul 2019)
-1 nch for taking my honour for dumb reasons
+1 Jason for being a cool new playing dude

nch (22 Jul 2019)
+1 G. for bottom-posting.
-1 R. Lee for top-posting.

[New Week 22-Jul]

Trigon (21 Jul 2019)
+1 G. for starting a discussion on honour
-1 Rance for being inactive and in the positive

twg (18 Jul 2019)
+1 Aris (dealing with a complicated distribution)
-1 Hālian (being a zombie with joint highest karma)

[New Week 15-Jul]

R. Lee (8 Jul 2019)
-1 R. Lee for the whole ADoP tomfoolery
+1 omd for good cfj judgements consistently

[New Week 08-Jul]

R. Lee (7 Jul 2019)
+1 Jason (working to resolve delayed decisions)
-1 D. Margaux (dereliction of duty)

Falsifian (7 Jul 2019)
+1 Jason (working to resolve delayed decisions)
-1 D. Margaux (dereliction of duty)

[New Week 01-Jul]
[New Week 24-Jun]

Murphy (20 Jun 2019)
-1 Murphy (dragging heels on Prime Minister election)
+1 D. Margaux (getting it moving again)

[New Week 17-Jun]

Telnaior, via Master G. (13 Jun 2019)
-1 D. Margaux (church and state should show mutual respect)
+1 Corona (let us honor the living dead - some more living than others)

G. (13 Jun 2019)
-1 D. Margaux (for disrespecting a judge before the court - "render unto
Ceasar" and so forth)
+1 L (a zombie's honor is not reflected in eir master's mistakes)

Aris (12 Jun 2019)
-1 Aris - Resigning Arbitor with work left undone
+1 G. - Doing said work

[New Week 10-Jun]
[New Week 03-Jun]

Falsifian (30 May 2019)
+1 Rance, for contributing to our collective duty.
-1 D. Margaux, founder of the Church of the Ritual, for ignoring the

G. (28 May 2019)
-1 G., for leaving offices before vacation but forgetting about judge
+1 Aris, for having to re-assign.

[New Week 27-May]

twg (26 May 2019)
-1 twg (the aforementioned transgressions)
+1 D. Margaux (randomly selected from people cleaning up the mess)

[New Week 20-May]
[New Week 13-May]
[New Week 06-May]
[New Week 29-Apr]

Falsifian (28 Apr 2019)
-1 Corona for slowing down the PM election by running for PM.
+1 Aris for working to get Agora moving while running for PM.

Murphy (28 Apr 2019)
I transfer a karma from myself (for delayed ADoP reporting) to James
Cook (for temporary deputisation).

Aris (22 Apr 2019)
-1 G. for not voting on Proposal 8172 despite saying that e would, and
even after many players had endorsed em
+1 G. for restarting the game by publishing the Referee report and
proposal resolutions

[New Week 22-Apr]
[New Week 15-Apr]

Falsifian (10 Apr 2019)
+1 G. For getting the ball rolling again, and for the cute "(d) with
-1 twg for disappearing without a trace (I hope e's okay, though).

[New Week 08-Apr]
[Time of Last Report]
[New Week 01-Apr]
[New Week 25-Mar]
[New Week 18-Mar]

G. (16 Mar 2019)
+1 Agora (zeroing out Agora is a Herald's task)
-1 Trigon (general karma decay, been up there a while)

[New Week 11-Mar]

Halian via G. (08 Mar 2019)
+1 twg (for providing a thorough timeline analysis of a complex situation,
and thereby finding the solution).
-1 L (guilt by forced association).

Gaelan (08 Mar 2019)
-1 to D. Margaux for violating a pledge (in spirit) to mousetrap us
+1 to G. for eir tireless work in cleaning this mess up.

Corona via twg (08 Mar 2019)
+1 D. Margaux (producing an entertaining puzzle)
-1 ATMunn (falling into the SPOOKY mousetrap despite explicit warning,
making this whole thing even remotely possible in the first place)

twg (08 Mar 2019)
-1 D. Margaux (holding up important ruleset fix with eir attempt at a win)
+1 Murphy (inadvertently(?) preventing a paradox)

G. (05 Mar 2019)
-1 G. (for testing hashes in a way that puts burden on the Treasuror)
+1 twg (for having to be the Treasuror)

[New Week 04-Mar]
[New Week 25-Feb]

Falsifian (19 Feb 2019)
+1 G. (Representing all the players who've been so helpful and
      welcoming. I can only pick one per notice!)
-1 Falsifian (For sending out lots CFJs and not volunteering to help
      judge any (yet).)

L via D. Margaux (18 Feb 2019)
+1 twg (for a truly hideous pun)
-1 G. (for an angry sounding email when e was not angry after all)

D. Margaux (18 Feb 2019)
-1 (D. Margaux for being late to resolve space battle 003)
+1 (Falsifian for finding a neat, if game breaking, bug)

twg (18 Feb 2019)
+1 D. Margaux (resolving Space Battle 003 efficiently and uncomplainingly)
-1 twg (being slow to update spaaace)

Gaelan (18 Feb 2019)
+1 Aris (An extremely begrudging +1 to Aris for this frustrating puzzle)
-1 CuddleBeam (for taking the “slang” thing way past when it was funny)

[New Week 18-Feb]
[New Week 11-Feb]

G. (07 Feb 2019)
+1 Aris (for being the first to use these new patent titles).
-1 Corona (e doesn't need it).

D. Margaux (06 Feb 2019)
+1 Telnaior (not doing anything with eir 200 asset steal)
-1 D. Margaux (stomping around making dictatorships)

twg (06 Feb 2019)
+1 Trigon (for eir neat storytelling)
-1 Telnaior (exploiting a known loophole that has a patch pending)

Telnaior (04 Feb 2019)
+1 G. (for introducing a good competition at a thematic time to help
          patch flaws in the ruleset).
-1 Jacob Arduino (for ceasing to exist in this time and place).

[New Week 04-Feb]

Gaelan (03 Feb 2019)
+1 G (why the hell is G. negative?)
-1 Tenhigitsune (e’s not active, e doesn’t need the karma)

CuddleBeam (03 Feb 2019)
+1 Trigon (for the cool RP)
-1 Tenhigitsune (because zombies stink big poo poo)

Telnaior (02 Feb 2019)
+1 Agora (for being "positively ancient")
-1 CuddleBeam (for making a ridiculous contract)

Quarterly Karma Adjustment (G., 01 Feb 2019)
+1 Kenyon
+1 Ouri
-2 Agora

Trigon (29 Jan 2019)
+1 Telnaior for pointing out our Agoran Laziness.
-1 D. Margaux for instigating the aforementioned.

[New Week 28-Jan]

G. (23 Jan 2019)
-1 to twg for trying to force double-meanings onto "Quang"
+1 to CuddleBeam for flooping the whoop.

[New Week 21-Jan]
[New Week 14-Jan]
[New Week 07-Jan]
[New Week 31-Dec]
[New Week 24-Dec]
[New Week 17-Dec]

twg (14 Dec 2018)
+1 G. (helping point out proposal errors)
-1 twg (submitting proposals with errors)

G. (14 Dec 2018)
-1 Corona (random loss)
+1 CuddleBeam (random gain)

pokes, via G. (14 Dec 2018)
    -1 twg (random loss)
    +1 V.J. Rada (random gain)

[New Week 10-Dec]
[New Week 03-Dec]

twg (02 Dec 2018)
-1 Jacob (making the Assessor's life difficult by submitting complicated
        conditional votes and repeatedly changing them)
+1 Ouri (being a non-player with non-zero karma)

[New Week 26-Nov]

twg (23 Nov 2018)
-1 twg (moneymaking use of Assessor's decision order discretion)
+1 Trigon (eir proposal being mangled by aforementioned activities)

D. Margaux (19 Nov 2018)
+1 twg (spotting errors in Arbitor’s weekly)
-1 D. Margaux (being careless with CFJ numbers)

[New Week 19-Nov]

Telnaior via Aris (16 Nov 2018)
-1 twg (rebalancing)
+1 Gaelan (rebalancing)

Aris (16 Nov 2018)
-1 twg (rebalancing)
+1 V.J. Rada (rebalancing)

G. (16 Nov 2018)
-1 twg (rebalancing)
+1 Murphy (rebalancing)

[New Week 12-Nov]

twg (11 Nov 2018)
-1 G. (not having properly judged CFJ 3681 yet)
+1 Sky Fox (being an obedient zombie)

[New Week 05-Nov]

ATMunn (04 Nov 2018)
-1 twg (rebalancing)
+1 VJ Rada (rebalancing)

Trigon (01 Nov 2018)
-1 G. for acting recklessly and not considering eir actions' effects
+1 Gaelan because why is e at -3 when e hasn't even been here for months?

G.  (31 Oct 2018)
+1 twg (for reminding us about violet ribbons)
-1 Trigon (for only awarding a violet ribbon to emself)

[New Week 29-Oct]

[New Week 22-Oct]

D. Margaux (20 Oct 2018)
twg +1 (Doomsday Clock was a very clever way to blow up the land minigame)
Murphy -1 (impeding the due course of justice by leaving Arbitor stuff

[New Week 15-Oct]

[New Week 08-Oct]

D. Margaux (07 Oct 2018)
+1 Aris for giving careful consideration to arguments
-1 D Margaux for persisting in advocating perhaps a tenuous interpretation
of the rules

-1 twg  (for making someone a zombie who was clearly returning)
+1 ATMunn (welcome back!

twg (03 Oct 2018)
+1 D. Margaux (managing to sneak this one past me)
-1 Kenyon (arbitrarily selected zombie)

Gaelan via Master G. (01 Oct 2018)
+1 CuddleBeam (for taking the burden G.'s RL bank balance).
-1 Ouri (more karma decay for zombies)

D. Margaux (02 Oct 2018)
+1 CuddleBeam for an ingenious pledge
-1 D Margaux because eir karma is too high

G. (01 Oct 2018)
+1 twg (for this great addition to the assessor's results)
-1 Ouri (zombies close to deregistration mean nonzero karma
balance in Agora eventually).

[New Week]

twg (30 Sep 2018)
+1 D. Margaux (fulfilling agreed obligation)
-1 Telnaior (arbitrarily selected zombie)

Aris (24 Sep 2018)
-1 G. (unclear communication)
+1 omd (serving as our Distributor)

Gaelan, via master G. (24 Sep 2018)
-1 Aris (because Gaelan may or may not feel like it).
+1 V.J. (or VJ) Rada, because eir name is confusing enough to be
listed in two different ways within the Registrar's Report, and
I like that.

G. (24 Sep 2018)
-1 Aris (because really, I feel like it).
+1 CuddleBeam (because I'm tired of seeing that name at the bottom).

[New Week]

Trigon (23 Sep 2018)
-1 to D. Margaux for being a manipulator
+1 to D Margaux for helping debug zombie rules

Aris (23 Sep 2018)
-1 G. (complaining about proposals being readded while resisting
any attempt to lower quorum or otherwise resolve the problem of
them failing quorum)
+1 D Margaux (helping fix problems by debugging the proposals)

Telnaior, via master Aris (23 Sep 2018)
G. (23 Sep 2018)
-1 Aris (for persisting with group of low-quorum proposals).
+1 D. Margaux (for finding bugs after several votings).

[New Week]

D. Margaux (15 Sep 2018)
-1 D. Margaux (misnaming G.)
+1 G. (being gracious about that misnaming)

[New Week]

G. (9 Sep 2018)
-1 Trigon (being generally MIA on land)
+1 D. Margaux (keeping up officer report standards via SJ)

[New Week]

[New Week]

G. 29 Aug 2018
-1 G (not reading proposals carefully)
+1 D. Margaux (reading carefully and researching back beyond eir tenure)

twg 26 Aug 2018
[attempted to issue a Notice of Honour, but failed because it was eir
second that week]

twg (20 Aug 2018)
-1 Corona (violating rule 2201, which e cannot be fined for because
it occurred >14 days ago).
+1 Trigon (twg believed that Trigon did not have a zombie at the
time of the last proposal distribution; Trigon attempted to point
this out, but e didn't listen properly).

[New Week]

[New Week]

[New Week]

Trigon (4 Aug 18)
+1 twg (being a good, friendly Agoran)
-1 Trigon (needlessly calling twg cruel and being initially ungrateful)

twg (4 Aug 18)
-1 twg (being nitpicky)
+1 Trigon (being patient with the nitpicks)

[New Week]

[New Week]

G. (19 Jul 18)
-1 G. for fleeing from office leaving unresolved CoEs.
+1 twg for fixing.

[New Week]

G. (9 Jul 18)
-1 Trigon (for not tracking land stuff)
+1 twg (for tracking land stuff)

[New Week]

G. (5 Jul 18)
+1 Trigon - however this is resolved, it's been a heck of a ride.
-1 Aris - never participating, but quick to want to disassemble.

[New Week]

twg (28 Jun 2018)
+1 omd (fixing agora-official)
-1 Gaelan (inactive)

[New Week]

twg (18 Jun 2018)
+1 Trigon (extremely entertaining apology)
-1 omd (inactivity; mail server problems)

[New Week]

Trigon(12 Jun 2018)
+1 twg (actually doing stuff)
-1 Trigon (slacking off so much on eir job)

[New Week]

Corona (10 Jun 2018)
-1 Alexis (normalizing)
+1 CuddleBeam (normalizing)

[New Week]

G. (1 Jun 2018)
+1 twg (finding a lovely bug)
-1 Kenyon (may have seen the bug sooner if Ruleset updated)

[New Week]

Corona (23 May 2018)
-1 Telnaior (inactive)
+1 Quazie (inactive)

[New Week]

ATMunn (3 May 2018)
+1 Corona (Treasuror report)
-1 ATMunn (procrastinating on Tailor script)

G. (3 May 2018)
+1 Corona (catching up the balance sheet)
-1 Gaelan (former treasuror who didn't keep up so much)


Trigon, Speaker of Agora

Reply via email to