The below CFJ is 3834.  I assign it to R. Lee.


===============================  CFJ 3834  ===============================

      In a generic Agoran context, to refer a proposal to a chamber is
      to set its chamber switch to that chamber.


Caller:                        Aris

Judge:                         R. Lee



Called by Aris:                                   14 May 2020 19:39:04
Assigned to R. Lee:                               [now]


Caller's Arguments:

I've been putting "Definition: To refer a proposal to a chamber is to
set its chamber switch to that chamber." at the top of my referral
messages since February. My hope is that people have seen it enough by
now that the average Agoran knows what it means without needing to see
the definition.

Caller's Evidence:

On 5/14/2020 12:18 PM, Aris Merchant via agora-official wrote:
> Definition: To refer a proposal to a chamber is to set its chamber
> switch to that chamber.
> [Where a proposal affects multiple ministries, I'm referring it so as
> to even out the number of proposals each ministry receives.]
> The Promotor hereby refers each proposal below as follows:
> The proposal "Burden + Accurate Naming" is referred to the Ministry of 
> Justice.
> The proposal "Bug Fixing IAR Writ" is referred to the Ministry of 
> Efficiency.
> The proposal "Expand wins by paradox" is referred to the Ministry of
> Participation.
> The proposal "You Tried" is referred to the Ministry of Participation.
> The proposal "The Webmastor" is referred to the Ministry of Efficiency.
> The proposal "Agora plays table tennis" is referred to the Ministry of
> Participation.
> The proposal "Bones of Criminals" is referred to the Ministry of 
> Justice.
> The proposal "Slaying the dragon" is referred to the Ministry of
> Economy.
> The proposal "Defense Against the Dark Arts" is referred to the
> Ministry of Legislation.


Gratuitous Arguments by G.:

I tried to lay out a 3-part test for accepting jargon in CFJ 3663:

A quick re-read of that judgement and I'd guess "refer", used in the
context of proposals and chambers, has as strong a case as any for being
acceptable. Worth noting is that the only officer who needs to track the
jargon is the person who invented it, who is also the only person who can
perform that task by announcement anyway.


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