Hi Isobel

I didn't know the existence of the two schools of thought! So thanks for the clarification.

The point is the I interpret smoothing (filtering) properties of kriging by means of the dual representation of kriging interpolator given for example in Goovaerts's book "Geostatistics for natural resources evaluation". According to this representation an estimate is equal to the mean plus a linear combination of covariance terms (nugget effect included). Clearly according to this representation if you want to filter out nugget effect, making your interpolator no more exact, you need to filter out the nugget explicitly.

Then, I'm wondering if in presence of really short range components of spatial continuity (compared to
the overall range of spatial continuity)  It could be better to use a block
kriging (with a block size equal to range of the short range components) in order to get more spatially homogeneous maps from the point of view of smoothing (above all with high clustered and low density data sampling geometry).


At 14.35 20/02/2008, you wrote:
Just to clarify the point about the nugget effect.

The nugget effect reflects the uncertainty (or randomness) which cannot be removed from the phenomenon. No matter how closely you sample, there will generally be some difference between values. I have had a couple of chances to be involved with 'contiguous' sampling exercises, where samples are taken side-by-side.

Part of the nugget effect is the inherent variability of the phenomenon being measured. The nugget effect will also include 'random' errors introduced by the sampling and/or analysis of the samples.

The value allocated to the nugget effect is the intercept of your semi-variogram model on the axis -- if you let it hit the axis (zero distance).

There seem to be two schools of thought on what value the semi-variogram actually takes at zero distance:

(1) the nugget effect exists at all distances, except zero. This is the basis on which Matheron originally developed his theory of regionalised variables. At zero distance (exactly) the semi-variogram is zero. At all other distances, the nugget effect is included in the model.

(2) the nugget effect exists at zero distance. The implication of this is that the nugget effect is all "sampling error".

Software packages vary according to which of the above they implement. My personal preference is for the former mainly because it gives (strangely enough) more conservative confidence levels. If your software package does (2) but you want to do (1), you can achieve this by adding (say) a spherical component with a very short range of influence and a sill equal to the nugget effect. The ONLY effect this will have will be to change the value taken at zero distance. For any other distance, the nugget effect will exist exactly as before.

For those of you who prefer algebra:

(1)  gamma(0) = 0
      gamma(h) = C0+spatial component for all h not equal to 0
     Guarantees exact interpolation and honours the data.

(2)  gamma(0) = C0
      gamma(h) = C0+spatial component for all h not equal to 0
     Smooths estimates close to sampled locations but does not
    (necessarily)  honour the data.

To be absolutely clear, I do not advocate ignoring the nugget effect. That is why I use approach (1). Approach (2) effectively removes the nugget effect from the kriging system and reduces the kriging variance significantly.

My point is that you should know what your software is doing at zero and the effect that can have on your estimation.

Peter's other point is exactly correct. If you map with a grid of points and your sampled locations are not on that grid, the kriging will have no possibility to honour the data -- since the data points are never 'estimated'.


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