Natural treatment for Hepatitis C shows great promise!  
According to reports by users, colloidal silver is giving 
great relief from this terrible disease.  Here is a web 
page with some of those testimonials. 

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  Aiken's Laughs and is put there by Topica. 

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 PLEASE support Aikens Laughs REAL Sponsors!

Click here to win 40 lbs. of Lobster!   Contest ends December 31! 

<a href="http://psstt.com/1/c/64844/83200/228131/228131";>AOL here</a>

Did Ya' Know:
Pennsylvania scientists have now grown pig and goat 
sperm in mice using testicular tissue from newborn 
pigs and goats.  The idea is to use mice as 
"bio-incubators" for the sperm of endangered species.

Spanish electronics engineer Pedro Monagas has created 
a device called "Why Cry" to monitor the volume, pattern, 
and interval of baby cries to help parents figure out why 
the infant is crying.

Silk money issued by France in 1795 during the 
Revolution could not be counterfeited because it was 
woven on the only machines of their kind.

*grin* It makes people wonder!

Are there corrupt files lurking inside your computer just waiting to
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Time's running out to get your chance to win 40 lbs. of Lobster!
Click here to enter before contest ends December 31!
<a href="http://psstt.com/1/c/64844/83202/228131/228131";>AOL here</a>
Please support the sponsors as they have kept this free since 2/19/1999!

Everything below this line is put in by Topica and 
      is NOT a sponsor of Aiken's Laughs. 

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