Hi Eduardo,

That sounds strange. I'm not aware of any know bug here, but that doesn't
mean that it is bug free. Could you setup a testcase/example that we can
use to reproduce the issue?


On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 1:03 PM, Eduardo Fernandes <edu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi.
> We're using Akka 2.3.13 (Java Interface).
> We have our own AllocationStrategy implementation and the idea is move
> several shards from one node to other.  We have a 2 nodes in the cluster
> and 1000 shards in total. When we start 7000 actors we have approximately
> 3500 actors on each node inside 500 shards on each node (aprox). Everything
> normal and behaving like the user manual.
> At some point in time we return in the rebalance() method around 300
> shards to rebalance. What I'm observing is that some actors not belonging
> to a shard in the rebalancing set are being stopped, what is quite strange.
> I can't find any public issue related to this. There is some known
> relocation bug?
> Many thanks in advance.
> /Eduardo
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Patrik Nordwall
Typesafe <http://typesafe.com/> -  Reactive apps on the JVM
Twitter: @patriknw

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