If you use auto-downing and that triggers because of a network partition
there will be two separate clusters and they will not recombine
automatically. That's why we recommend against using auto-downing and
instead recommend something like the Split Brain Resolver


fre 18 mars 2016 kl. 08:51 skrev 'Christian Hoffmeister' via Akka User List

> So basically the known seed nodes are replaces with a known etcd cluster
> for the information sharing, if I understand this right?
> Somewhat like this?
> * A joins, no one is there, so it puts inself into etcd and starts a
> single node cluster
> * B joins, finds A in etcd and joins A
> * C joins, finds A....
> * A gets shut down
> * After a timeout, B or C are put into etcd as new seed node
> * D joins, finds B or C....
> In the examples (
> https://github.com/rkrzewski/akka-cluster-etcd/blob/master/examples/cluster-monitor/src/main/resources/application.conf)
> I found that auto-downing is used. What happens in case of temporory
> network separation? For example:
> * A is in etcd as seed node
> * A/B (can access each other, but neither etcd nor C/D)
> * C/D (can access each other, but not A/B)
> What happens now? And what happen when network is fully up again and
> A/B/C/D/etcd can communicate again. Do the two isle recombine into a single
> cluster?
> Greetings
> /c
> Am Freitag, 18. März 2016 00:13:51 UTC+1 schrieb Christian Hoffmeister:
>> Hello,
>> I am just starting to dive into akka-cluster and have a question
>> regarding the seed nodes:
>> My test project consists of 4 projects so far:
>> * PROTOCOL contains messaging case classes
>> * API contains cluster node, that also exposes a rest api (akka-cluster +
>> akka-http)
>> * AUTH contains cluster node for auth stuff (akka-cluster)
>> * USERS contains cluster node to manage user data (akka-cluster)
>> At the moment I just set one API and one AUTH instance as seed nodes
>> (could also have been some other nodes). Is it good practice to have
>> another special project (called SEED), that does not do anything in
>> particular,
>> except for joining the cluster, to act as seed node?
>> From my first thoughts, this might be a good idea, since this nodes would
>> have to be restarted less often then other nodes (that have business
>> logic). Basically only when updating infrastructure like host machine or
>> akka.
>> Am I getting something wrong here?
>> Greetings
>> Christian
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