
we have a problem with Akka HTTP on Windows: after creating a server 
binding and unbinding it, it is not possible to bind it again. We get a 
akka.stream.BindFailedException. On Linux, this works without problems.

The application uses the following code to create the server binding:

  private val binding: Future[ServerBinding] = {
    val httpsContext = if (protocol == Protocol.Https) 
Some(HttpsContexts.serverContext) else None
    val serverSource: Source[Http.IncomingConnection, 
Future[Http.ServerBinding]] = Http(actorSystem).bind(interface = interface, 
port = port, httpsContext = httpsContext)

    logger.info("Binding to interface " + interface + ":" + port + " using 
" + protocol)

    val bindingFuture: Future[ServerBinding] = serverSource.to(Sink.foreach 
{ connection =>

  binding onComplete {
    case Success(result) => logger.info("Bound to interface " + interface + 
":" + port + " using " + protocol)
    case Failure(reason) => logger.error("Could not bind to interface " + 
interface + ":" + port + " using " + protocol, reason)

protected override def dispose(): Unit = {
    // stop webserver
    for(binding <- binding) {
      binding.unbind() onComplete {
        case Success(result) => logger.info("Unbound " + binding)
        case Failure(reason) => logger.error("Could not unbind " + binding, 

Restarting the application solves the problem.

Is there anything I can do to solve the problem?


>>>>>>>>>>      Read the docs: http://akka.io/docs/
>>>>>>>>>>      Check the FAQ: 
>>>>>>>>>> http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/additional/faq.html
>>>>>>>>>>      Search the archives: https://groups.google.com/group/akka-user
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