just a quick suggestion: mabe a KillSwitch [1] in Channel flow would help?



W dniu poniedziałek, 17 października 2016 21:52:55 UTC+2 użytkownik Andrzej 
Giniewicz napisał:
> Hello,
> I'm building a prototype for application that aims to use akka-http and 
> websockets for communication. It mostly works, but on close we get 
> exception:
> [ERROR] [10/17/2016 19:38:56.104] 
> [my-system-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-10] 
> [akka.actor.ActorSystemImpl(my-system)] WebSocket handler failed with 
> Processor actor 
> [Actor[akka://my-system/user/StreamSupervisor-0/flow-4-0-unknown-operation#1709634420]]
> terminated abruptly (akka.stream.AbruptTerminationException)
> We tried many suggestions over the web, including calling 
> Http().shutdownAllConnectionPools() (which ends with success) and unbind 
> (which ends with success as well). Unfortunately it doesn't help - after 
> calling shutdownAllConnectionPools and unbind the websocket is still up (we 
> can send messages and receive answers from it). How to correctly close the 
> system to avoid such issue?
> This is how (fragments) of how we build the binding (for now this is 
> single client app, so we have single actor to process messages):
>     val processing = system.actorOf(Props[ProcessingActor], "processing-1")
>     val route = get {
>       pathEndOrSingleSlash {
>         complete {
>             // ...
>         }
>       } ~ encodeResponse {
>         getFromResourceDirectory("")
>       } ~ path("ws") {
>         handleWebSocketMessages(Channel(processing))
>       }
>     }
>     val bindingFuture = Http().bindAndHandle(route, "localhost", port)
> and then we wait (readLine) after which we close (as I said we have 
> shutdownAllConnectionPools, unbind and terminate). Page contains html and 
> Channel is custom flow.
> object Channel {
>   private val bufferSize = 5
>   def apply(processing: ActorRef)(implicit system: ActorSystem): 
> Flow[WSMessage, WSMessage, _] = Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(
>       Source.actorRef[Message](bufferSize=bufferSize, 
> OverflowStrategy.fail)
>     ) { implicit builder => source =>
>       val sink = Sink.actorRef[SystemCommand](processing, Close)
>       val actor = builder.materializedValue.map(a => Initialize(a))
>       val fromSocket = builder.add(Flow[WSMessage].collect {
>         // ...
>       })
>       val toSocket = builder.add(Flow[Message].map {
>         // ...
>       })
>       val merge = builder.add(Merge[SystemCommand](2))
>       fromSocket ~> merge.in(0)
>       actor ~> merge.in(1)
>       merge ~> sink
>       source ~> toSocket
>       FlowShape(fromSocket.in, toSocket.out)
>   })
> }
> Any help would be appreciated - and btw, this was one of first attempts 
> and we got something up and running in just few hours, so even that we have 
> issues with close, we would like to emphatize that we think Akka is great!
> Andrzej.

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