W dniu poniedziałek, 26 grudnia 2016 14:00:41 UTC+1 użytkownik Evgeny 
Shepelyuk napisał:
> 1. Possible network overhead because swarm nodes and akka nodes are auto 
> discovering each other using gossip.

I wouldn't worry about it too much, because it only happens when the 
cluster is starting up. or is being scaled up/down. 

> 2. How to find seed nodes for AKKA cluster nodes, i.e. is it possible to 
> not use third party services like consul for this and rely completely on 
> Docker Swarm ?

I would recommend running a consistent KV store like Consul or etcd and 
then using https://github.com/hseeberger/constructr on top of that to 
manage Akka cluster seed nodes. This makes it easy to migrate your 
application to Kubernetes or Mesos if you ever need to.

> 3. Is there any advice on cluster topology, i.e. is it better to join all 
> nodes into single cluster, or create a cluster per service and use cluster 
> client to access it ?

This depends on your actual use case. First and foremost you shouldn't run 
Akka cluster at all unless you need one or more features it enables like 
sharding, distributed data, singletons and so on. Many clustered 
applications can be built as ensembles of standalone Akka nodes 
communicating through HTTP endpoints. The latter approach fits very well 
into Docker Swarm / Kubernetes services model. Or you might want to use 
Akka cluster for one layer of your application and a "swarm" of independent 
nodes communicating through HTTP or a message queue for another. It all 
depends on what you want to build. 

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>>>>>>>>>>      Check the FAQ: 
>>>>>>>>>> http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/additional/faq.html
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