On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 11:38 AM, Evgeny Shepelyuk <eshepel...@gmail.com>

> My current worrying question is about how to properly build extractShardId
> function.
> According to the docs this function must depend on the number of nodes.

While this is true, you shouldn't over-interpret it.  The function isn't
based on the exact number of nodes at a given moment, it's based on the
number of nodes you *expect* is the *likely* maximum size of the cluster.
As you say, you don't want the entity-to-shard mapping to change in
mid-stream (which would lead to chaos), so the number needs to be pretty

So in practice, you take the expected size of the cluster, multiply that by
around 10, and use that for the number of shards.  Exactly where those
shards *live* will rearrange more or less automatically as the cluster
resizes and things rebalance.

(All of the above is AFAIK; so far, my cluster size is small and constant.
Members of the Akka Team should correct me if I am incorrect.)

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