Thanks for the update Jeremey. Is the availability of this already
mentioned in akka-http documentation? Otherwise I think it would be worth
adding that somewhere. Please open an issue and we can work out the details.

ons 31 jan. 2018 kl. 20:32 skrev Philippe Derome <>:

> never mind, it's not needed, I had communication with Spark in mind and
> that does not require to be in same process.
> On Wednesday, January 31, 2018 at 12:45:53 PM UTC-5, Philippe Derome wrote:
>> Jeremy,
>> do you have any intent to make this project available with Scala 2.11?
>> Phil
>> On Tuesday, January 30, 2018 at 5:21:52 PM UTC-5, Jeremy Townson wrote:
>>> Thanks for reporting this, Philippe. For anybody who experienced this
>>> problem, fixed in
>>> Please pull from master.
>>> Actually I am planning a move to github soon, because of their really
>>> good usage stats.
>>> On Tuesday, 30 January 2018 19:56:26 UTC, Philippe Derome wrote:
>>>> I had issues with credentials w.r. sonatype and removed all references
>>>> thereof in build.sbt and plugins.sbt and this temporarily resolved my
>>>> issues. I am not interested in publishing artifacts to an external site but
>>>> perhaps you are.
>>>> On Tuesday, January 30, 2018 at 10:08:06 AM UTC-5, Philippe Derome
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Would you consider migrating the project to github since you find it
>>>>> more stable now? I am unable to make use of it from bitbucket due to some
>>>>> sonatype_credentials file issue, which looks mysterious to me and would
>>>>> like to give this a dev try today.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Phil
>>>>> On Wednesday, January 24, 2018 at 5:18:59 PM UTC-5, Jeremy Townson
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Akka users,
>>>>>> This is an update about Swakka, an addon for generating
>>>>>> OpenApi/Swagger docs with Akka-Http. I introduced Swakka in August last
>>>>>> year. Back then it was new, unstable and I recommended people not to use
>>>>>> it.
>>>>>> Yesterday, I cut a v0.5 release. Whilst the library does not cover
>>>>>> Swagger 100%, it does cover everything in the Swagger’s famous PetstoreV2
>>>>>> sample. Therefore it should document many real world APIs.
>>>>>> If you are creating Akka-Http endpoints and have a need to document
>>>>>> them, I recommend you check out the project at
>>>>>> I hope it would help your
>>>>>> project and I would be really interested to hear your feedback.
>>>>>> Beyond toughening up the library for a 1.0 release, I am also
>>>>>> starting to consider where to go next with the project. Thoughts in my 
>>>>>> mind
>>>>>> right now are
>>>>>> — do something completely different
>>>>>> — support for other documentation formats like Api Blueprint or RAML.
>>>>>> — having a close look at Akka-Http’s routing DSL, to see if there is
>>>>>> a refactor that would yield an AST. Now that Swakka can do doc generation
>>>>>> from its OpenApi case class, if it _were_ possible to generate an AST 
>>>>>> from
>>>>>> a Route structure, it might also be possible to map over that to produce 
>>>>>> an
>>>>>> instance of OpenApi. Akka-Http users would then have the choice of either
>>>>>> coding an OpenApi instance and getting Swakka to generate Routes, or 
>>>>>> coding
>>>>>> Routes and generating OpenApi. I’m not convinced this is any more than a
>>>>>> dream and I do not feel I have either the knowledge or authority to go
>>>>>> tinkering with one of the core abstractions in Akka-Http. But if this
>>>>>> interests you, you are familiar with the Akka-Http codebase and want to
>>>>>> take a punt as a pair, I’m game.
>>>>>> All the best,
>>>>>> Jeremy
>>>>>> On Monday, 21 August 2017 10:54:44 UTC+1, Jeremy Townson wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Akka Users,
>>>>>>> I would like to introduce *Swakka*, a library for adding
>>>>>>> Swagger/OpenApi doc generation to akka-http.
>>>>>>> Like many people I was frustrated by the lack of swagger support in
>>>>>>> akka-http. After reading the proposed solutions to the problem in issue
>>>>>>> 201, "Support Rest API doc generation" (
>>>>>>> and trying
>>>>>>> swagger-akka-http (
>>>>>>>, I decided
>>>>>>> to try a different approach.
>>>>>>> To briefly describe how Swakka works. One starts by instantiating an
>>>>>>> *OpenApi* case class that represent the structure of an API using
>>>>>>> Openapi/Swagger semantics. Swakka reads this API definition and 
>>>>>>> generates
>>>>>>> (a) an akka-http Route reflecting the swagger structure (extracting the
>>>>>>> parameters, paths, etc in your API definition) and (b) the swagger.json
>>>>>>> itself. The akka-http Route in (a) serves the swagger.json file 
>>>>>>> generated
>>>>>>> in (b) alongside your API.
>>>>>>> You provide nested, inner Routes as the implementations of the
>>>>>>> OpenApi endpoints. Thus you still have the full power of akka-http
>>>>>>> Directives that are not supported in Swagger.
>>>>>>> It's currently on bitbucket at
>>>>>>> I might move it to github at some point. It's in a early alpha state, 
>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>> finished, not stable and with quite a few bugs -- so not good for your 
>>>>>>> work
>>>>>>> project yet. Nonetheless I am excited about the principle behind the
>>>>>>> library, so I wanted to put it out there.
>>>>>>> If you are willing and able to contribute to Swakka then I would be
>>>>>>> interested to hear from you. The roadmap in my mind for the next 3-6 
>>>>>>> months
>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>> -- ease of use improvements
>>>>>>> -- full OpenApi 2 support
>>>>>>> -- bugfixes and documentation consistent with 1.0 release.
>>>>>>> Read more about it at
>>>>>>> Have fun,
>>>>>>> Jeremy
>>>>>>> --
> >>>>>>>>>> Read the docs:
> >>>>>>>>>> Check the FAQ:
> >>>>>>>>>> Search the archives:
> ---
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>>>>>>>>>>      Check the FAQ: 
>>>>>>>>>>      Search the archives:
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