I still found the Zoom H6 useful but that may well be because I knew what the 
button layout was thanks to Neal's review and this underlines my point again.
Take some time out to actually push or move the buttons, controls, levers and 
see what if anything might happen.
Read reviews and see if the reviewer may actually mention the button layout of 
whatever the device is in the review which is often the case.
And at the very worst, do some planning so that if you're able to get the use 
of a pair of eyes you can have them explain the basic layout of whatever it is 
you're trying to use, take notes from there and you'll be surprised at what you 
can do from that point 99% of the time.
Remember the hard drive audio recorder I mentioned some time ago on list? Well 
that unit did take a lot of learning I admit and I acknowledge that if it 
hadn't been for the feedback I got over so many weeks from a sighted person and 
the notes I took then I would have been stuck.
Now I've memorised much of the functionality of the recorder and - if ever I'm 
not quite sure of a function - then I can always look it up.

-----Original Message-----
From: all-audio@groups.io <all-audio@groups.io> On Behalf Of Aidan
Sent: Wednesday, 27 June 2018 7:22 AM
To: all-audio@groups.io
Subject: Re: [all-audio] Oh wow! Zoom could be verry well on the way to making 
the F recorders accessible 1 day maybe.

I agree though, just one thing,
zoom manuals are for the most part not very useful when you want to know sertin 
button layout or combinations. That could make things difficult when you want 
to no how to open the settings for h1n for example, as it don't state wich 
button to press when powering on.
I must say though however, that the zoom handy rec app for ios work quite well.
I plan on getting the zoom IQ7, wich should give me the same audio quality as 
the H4N, and then not to worry about learning usibility for the moment, but I 
will sometime have to take the plunch though.
On another note, if you want to use the same capchuals as the zoom h6, and you 
don't want the h6 or to deal with difficulty, you can also get the zoom u44, 
wich is compatible with those captuals and you will have very quiet PreAmps, in 
an more accessible way as the u44 don't have menus.

On 26/06/2018, Hamit Campos <hamitcam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I understand. I personally want to try and be more that guy. If only 
> cause I want movie set quality audio. So note to self if ya want movie 
> set quality ya must get an F8N and deal with what ever doesn't beap or 
> talk. For instance. The folder structure. How hard is that to deal with?
> Remember there's 10 folders then more sub folders for each recording 
> you make. now the multyfile thing that's no prob. That's obvious and 
> goes without Neal having said it. In multi mode it's like when you 
> extract something with DVDAE speaker by speaker. In this case it's 1 
> file per XLR. Makes sence. I'm just saying I guess I'd have to try 1 
> before buying. Lone someone's recorder. Just to see. Cause I know I 
> have gotten disorianted without voice or music or beeps. Also I use 
> the accessibility word cause like I said lots of blind people I've 
> been around probabally wouldn't dare try. Not sympally recording. That 
> is just to obvious. But the menu thing. They may not wana braille down 
> and have to have a cheet sheet every time they wana change something. 
> I'll own up when younger and more imiture I was that guy. But now I 
> want the pro quality so bad that I say self grow up and suck it.
> On 6/26/2018 8:54 AM, Dane Trethowan wrote:
>> To put my attitude another way.
>> I’ve ben using cassette recorders for 44 years and those beasts had 
>> no menus, I had to remember to press record and play or whatever 
>> buttons I needed for whatever functions I required so why not apply 
>> that simple principle to modern-day equipment?
>> Yeah sure you get off to a shaky start sometimes but being patient 
>> and being prepared to sometimes think outside the “Poor Blind Me” 
>> square? Well you’d be surprised what you can come up with.
>>> On 26 Jun 2018, at 9:58 pm, Hamit Campos <hamitcam...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Ah yeah. Well in this instance I mean if they continue it could 
>>> verry well be 1 day like the first Olympus recorders. Yes these from 
>>> what I've heard from you dain and from Neal demoing them they seem 
>>> to be usable. I say seem to because I've not experienced 1 myself. 
>>> Remember I get distracted when the recorder doesn't beap. I've shut 
>>> the beeper off on my
>>> LS-14 at times when I use pre record to not get the beep in the 
>>> recordings. Meh I guess I do fine if I record and stop. but pausing 
>>> is where I get disorianted. But again you're correct Dain. If you 
>>> take the time you can get buy. Like I've also said before maybe I'm 
>>> just too use to blind devices as it were like the Plextalks. But 
>>> also most blind people I've been around. Sure there's the select few 
>>> that will dare try using something with no sounds what so ever, but 
>>> it's a verry select few.
>>> On 6/26/2018 5:03 AM, Dane Trethowan wrote:
>>>> I think we need to know the difference between accessible and 
>>>> useable and - for the most part - Zoom recording equipment has 
>>>> certainly been very useable and - by the sounds of it - continues to be so.
>>>> Really it comes back to the old story, if you can be bothered to 
>>>> sit down with the particular piece of equipment you have and take 5 
>>>> minutes to read the manual and note down various aspects or explore 
>>>> the unit then you’ve won 8% of battles in most cases.
>>>>> On 26 Jun 2018, at 1:14 pm, Hamit Campos <hamitcam...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Yeah The subject line says it almost all. I was on the page Dain 
>>>>> sent and I just this verry moment read about the headphone tones. 
>>>>> You can set tones for recording start and stop. So who knows about 
>>>>> pause and coming out of pause. Also for lo battery and for recording 
>>>>> errors.
>>>>> Lett's incurage this my friends. Let's motivate them. This is a 
>>>>> sympler start then Olympus, but hay everyone has to start 
>>>>> someware. Right? So more reason to go for the F8N. Man I really wish now 
>>>>> I had the 1K.
>> **********
>> Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest 
>> of the halfwits in this world behind.

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