Of course one can’t rely on one source so that’s what I mean when I say think 
out side the “Poor Blind Me” square, Google is your friend as the Blind messiah 

> On 27 Jun 2018, at 12:42 pm, Hamit Campos <hamitcam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Oh yeah Neal's podcasts do help. Infact were I to get an H6 I'd use that 
> podcast to get orianted. True if someone sighted tells you how many times to 
> press a button or something like that to do something it helps too. So yeah 
> you can use stuff.
> On 6/26/2018 6:29 PM, Dane Trethowan wrote:
>> I still found the Zoom H6 useful but that may well be because I knew what 
>> the button layout was thanks to Neal's review and this underlines my point 
>> again.
>> Take some time out to actually push or move the buttons, controls, levers 
>> and see what if anything might happen.
>> Read reviews and see if the reviewer may actually mention the button layout 
>> of whatever the device is in the review which is often the case.
>> And at the very worst, do some planning so that if you're able to get the 
>> use of a pair of eyes you can have them explain the basic layout of whatever 
>> it is you're trying to use, take notes from there and you'll be surprised at 
>> what you can do from that point 99% of the time.
>> Remember the hard drive audio recorder I mentioned some time ago on list? 
>> Well that unit did take a lot of learning I admit and I acknowledge that if 
>> it hadn't been for the feedback I got over so many weeks from a sighted 
>> person and the notes I took then I would have been stuck.
>> Now I've memorised much of the functionality of the recorder and - if ever 
>> I'm not quite sure of a function - then I can always look it up.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: all-audio@groups.io <all-audio@groups.io> On Behalf Of Aidan
>> Sent: Wednesday, 27 June 2018 7:22 AM
>> To: all-audio@groups.io
>> Subject: Re: [all-audio] Oh wow! Zoom could be verry well on the way to 
>> making the F recorders accessible 1 day maybe.
>> I agree though, just one thing,
>> zoom manuals are for the most part not very useful when you want to know 
>> sertin button layout or combinations. That could make things difficult when 
>> you want to no how to open the settings for h1n for example, as it don't 
>> state wich button to press when powering on.
>> I must say though however, that the zoom handy rec app for ios work quite 
>> well.
>> I plan on getting the zoom IQ7, wich should give me the same audio quality 
>> as the H4N, and then not to worry about learning usibility for the moment, 
>> but I will sometime have to take the plunch though.
>> On another note, if you want to use the same capchuals as the zoom h6, and 
>> you don't want the h6 or to deal with difficulty, you can also get the zoom 
>> u44, wich is compatible with those captuals and you will have very quiet 
>> PreAmps, in an more accessible way as the u44 don't have menus.
>> On 26/06/2018, Hamit Campos <hamitcam...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I understand. I personally want to try and be more that guy. If only
>>> cause I want movie set quality audio. So note to self if ya want movie
>>> set quality ya must get an F8N and deal with what ever doesn't beap or
>>> talk. For instance. The folder structure. How hard is that to deal with?
>>> Remember there's 10 folders then more sub folders for each recording
>>> you make. now the multyfile thing that's no prob. That's obvious and
>>> goes without Neal having said it. In multi mode it's like when you
>>> extract something with DVDAE speaker by speaker. In this case it's 1
>>> file per XLR. Makes sence. I'm just saying I guess I'd have to try 1
>>> before buying. Lone someone's recorder. Just to see. Cause I know I
>>> have gotten disorianted without voice or music or beeps. Also I use
>>> the accessibility word cause like I said lots of blind people I've
>>> been around probabally wouldn't dare try. Not sympally recording. That
>>> is just to obvious. But the menu thing. They may not wana braille down
>>> and have to have a cheet sheet every time they wana change something.
>>> I'll own up when younger and more imiture I was that guy. But now I
>>> want the pro quality so bad that I say self grow up and suck it.
>>> On 6/26/2018 8:54 AM, Dane Trethowan wrote:
>>>> To put my attitude another way.
>>>> I’ve ben using cassette recorders for 44 years and those beasts had
>>>> no menus, I had to remember to press record and play or whatever
>>>> buttons I needed for whatever functions I required so why not apply
>>>> that simple principle to modern-day equipment?
>>>> Yeah sure you get off to a shaky start sometimes but being patient
>>>> and being prepared to sometimes think outside the “Poor Blind Me”
>>>> square? Well you’d be surprised what you can come up with.
>>>>> On 26 Jun 2018, at 9:58 pm, Hamit Campos <hamitcam...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Ah yeah. Well in this instance I mean if they continue it could
>>>>> verry well be 1 day like the first Olympus recorders. Yes these from
>>>>> what I've heard from you dain and from Neal demoing them they seem
>>>>> to be usable. I say seem to because I've not experienced 1 myself.
>>>>> Remember I get distracted when the recorder doesn't beap. I've shut
>>>>> the beeper off on my
>>>>> LS-14 at times when I use pre record to not get the beep in the
>>>>> recordings. Meh I guess I do fine if I record and stop. but pausing
>>>>> is where I get disorianted. But again you're correct Dain. If you
>>>>> take the time you can get buy. Like I've also said before maybe I'm
>>>>> just too use to blind devices as it were like the Plextalks. But
>>>>> also most blind people I've been around. Sure there's the select few
>>>>> that will dare try using something with no sounds what so ever, but
>>>>> it's a verry select few.
>>>>> On 6/26/2018 5:03 AM, Dane Trethowan wrote:
>>>>>> I think we need to know the difference between accessible and
>>>>>> useable and - for the most part - Zoom recording equipment has
>>>>>> certainly been very useable and - by the sounds of it - continues to be 
>>>>>> so.
>>>>>> Really it comes back to the old story, if you can be bothered to
>>>>>> sit down with the particular piece of equipment you have and take 5
>>>>>> minutes to read the manual and note down various aspects or explore
>>>>>> the unit then you’ve won 8% of battles in most cases.
>>>>>>> On 26 Jun 2018, at 1:14 pm, Hamit Campos <hamitcam...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Yeah The subject line says it almost all. I was on the page Dain
>>>>>>> sent and I just this verry moment read about the headphone tones.
>>>>>>> You can set tones for recording start and stop. So who knows about
>>>>>>> pause and coming out of pause. Also for lo battery and for recording 
>>>>>>> errors.
>>>>>>> Lett's incurage this my friends. Let's motivate them. This is a
>>>>>>> sympler start then Olympus, but hay everyone has to start
>>>>>>> someware. Right? So more reason to go for the F8N. Man I really wish 
>>>>>>> now I had the 1K.
>>>> **********
>>>> Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest
>>>> of the halfwits in this world behind.

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