Yeah for me the NT1-A would be $600. Why's that ya ask? Because I want the matched stereo pare. Yes they are studio mics but Ifound a recording on youtube of someone with an Zoom H4N recording a beach.

On 2/11/2019 8:43 PM, Andy via Groups.Io wrote:
Hi again Hamid my friend.

I don't have any microphones at the moment, apart from an old set of Binaural BSM 9 series and I'm hoping to get the newer model with external power supply for doing my street podcasts with street bands etc.

I've actually been focusing on buying the big gear, in my case the Zoom F8N. The mics will come later!

However, I'm also looking for a couple of microphones for a small acustic band and a I was thinking  of a couple of Sure 57 microphones with one with the good Plosives filter for the singer, , a couple of anti-chock fitments and either one or two microphone stands of good quality.

These would throw me out about £250.

However, after listening to your recommendation last evening regarding the Road RT1 setup, and after how much Neal has promoted this mic.  I had a look on the Gear 4 site in London very late last night.

The whole kit with one microphone will throw me about £350.

The specifications on this microphone are indeed inpressive, however, it's only a very high quality studio microphone and the last thing I want to do in my podcasts is to speak in a studio situation. . It's all about the talent, and not me speaking like neal, for I've nothing to say that would be of interest.

But what you did say last night that I really need to know is the interface between my Zoom F8N and a new set of Binaural BSM 9 microphones so I can get almost 3D recording quality on the street.

You menttioned .... you'll need the Zoom XYH6 peace or even
the XY H5 peace. Then connect them to . ...

I understand that what you are telling me is that if I wish the binaural BSMs to be used with their quarter inch jacks, I need an external power supply that I can attach this adaptor into the withe an XLR plug, plug into, for example Channel 3?  Is that right?

I need at this time to record Binaural recordings for the street and something that will record a small accustic band or quire .. I was thinkin of Initially having 2 microphones for one singer, guitarist  and if this works out another 3 or 4 stand microphones for the whole band.  Very expensive but I've already started on this path.

But firstly I need a secure interface between my BSM binaural quarter inch microphones and Channel 3.

Can you please therefor recommend were I could purchase such an adaptor, here in Scotland.

My sighted wife has access to Amazon by the way, so if I can get it there, then we are laughing.

I knew that what I wanted to do would be expensive so I've been saving up and with my hopes of recording a full accustic band with perhaps 4 microphones on stands was going to be very expensive but this is the path I'm Currently on, though it may take me some time to save up.

All your thoughts or ideas are of valuable to me so please don't hesitate to tell me.

Very best wishes.

From Scotland with Love.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Hamit Campos" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2019 9:18 PM
Subject: Re: [all-audio] To Dane and list

Hell yeah. This link is 1 of the videos right? I just downloaded it. But hell to the yeah you'll get pure epicness. Especially with epic mics like the Rode NT1-A. In fact, Curtis was joking about him and others helping me get my hands on 1 since I always meantion it in the comments. But dude I love the sound of that mic. It's so crisp clear and totally sounds like what you recorded with it is right there. That's what I love about Neal's H6 podcast. Mostly nothing but pure Rode NT1-A awesomeness. I also loved that he used the AT-4021. For the AT-4021 is the parent of my AT-8022 stereo mic. What awesome condencers do you have Andy?

On 2/10/2019 2:23 PM, Andy via Groups.Io wrote:
Hi all.

I think that Dane and Hamit may be particularly interested in this.

As I've mentioned often on this list I use Youtube for getting to most of the kit I intend or have purchased.

Within Youtube there is a guy called Curtis Judd and he is as every bit as knowledgeable as Neal Ewars, though Is podcasting for people who may not have a visual impairment.

So his work is very valuable, it does not recognise that some of us need a little more description.

Anyway, with respect the the Zoom range of handy and field recorders, Curtis has dozens of podcasts on Sendspace.

I like these as they are also vidioed, so sighted assistance from my wife, who does not have an impairment are also very helpful.

Curtis has 3 very relevant podcasts relating to what we are currently concerned about and that is the Zoom F8N.

As we were all discussiong the settings, I've downloaded his podcaste titled, Basic settings, in which he goes though the set up and setting options and tells us exactly why we should select one option over another.

I have uploaded this podcaste to Sendspace so I've you would wish to listen to it, it's about 30 minutes long and zipped up, you can download it by clicking on the link below. If you like listening to this and let me know, I'll download and upload other very relevant podcasts and make them available to you without the need to recording them yourselves and editing them.

I Know Hamit, Dane and I will get a lot out of it, so hear is the link for everyone.

Very best wishes.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Hamit Campos" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2019 4:46 AM
Subject: Re: [all-audio] To Dane and list

Ah well 48 KHZ 24 bits is the web standard anyways. I guess I'm just
coming from another perspective I heard on another of Scott's shows.
Where if you record in 96 let's say, when you resample you'll get a
better 48 24 recording. I've even used 44 thousand 100 16 bits CD audio
on mine just because the LS-14 can't play anything elase in mono. It has
to be CD quality for it to work in mono. Which I was confused by when I
got it. Because all the DMs I'd had before this even playeed 48 16 in
mono though they didn't record that. But oh well. I can't wait to hear
some F8N samples.

On 2/9/2019 9:51 PM, Dane Trethowan wrote:
I chose 96K 24-bit because not all functions of the Zoom F8N support higher bit rates, Auto Mix for example but nevertheless 96K is a damn good rate to be using with 24 bit. I can understand where the engineer is coming from in a lot of ways setting the sampling rate at 48KHZ. Whilst I prefer higher myself a lot of computers would probably have trouble handling any more than 48K depending on the software and Sound Card being used so that would be one factor to take into consideration.
With the Mac which I use most of the time this isn’t a problem.
The other point being here is that you’re making live recordings and you probably won’t be wanting to master them.
So back to the recorder itself.
I’ve been going through the menu options as I’ve been telling the list over the last month or so. The first 2 options in the memory are “Finder” and “Medadata For Next Take”. The Finder allows you to search for content within folders on the SD card or cards if you have more than one installed. I’ve not examined this option but will do in the future when I work out how to connect a Keyboard to the F8N though even then without speech there seems little point. On the other hand Enter Metadata for Next Take may be slightly useable with a keyboard. No, I won’t get any feedback however I should be able to remember the order in which the metadata is presented thus I can move through the fields etc. The manual for the F8N gives specific keyboard commands to do just that. The next 2 options in the menu system are Input and Output respectively and I’ll be working on those next week.

On 10 Feb 2019, at 7:48 am, Hamit Campos <> wrote:

Ah yes I forgot that. Yes the higher the quality, the more memory you'll
need. Especially if you're also planning to go multi channal.
On 2/9/2019 3:28 PM, Dane Trethowan wrote:

I can’t argue with the statements below.
I actually have my F8N and other recorders set to 96K 24-bit but in the end its up to the individual how they want things done. One has to remember too that with higher bit rates then the bigger SD memory card you’ll require. So what given the Zoom F8N can take 2 512GB memory cards? Well the so what comes to quite a bit of money to lay out if you wish to proceed down that path.

On 10 Feb 2019, at 6:31 am, Hamit Campos <> wrote:

h that's 1 of the things I've been putting to the test with my H6. That whole the human ear can't hear super HD 96 KHZ or 192 KHZ 24 bits audio thing. Now if you think of it as a frequency responce thing that should be true. Hell not only can't you hear it, most condencers can't. But it's not necessarily a frequency thing. Another ingenier on Scott Wilkinson's Home Theater Geeks show explained it this way. Andy you were right. It's a resolution thig. It's like being able to take 192 pictures per second. He compaired it to the rappid fire camera shutter clicking you hear at presidentual things or what not. The 24 bits gives you more open dinamic range. Things don't over load and destort as easy I suppose and you can get louder and quieter in 24 bits. Again someone help out here if you wish I'm no real audio expert like Neal or this man that helped you out Andy. But I'm just telling ya what I have heard other experts say. I say again if I had an F8N best believe it bro 192 KHZ 24 bits is the first thing that gets set on it. Oh and on your clip on mics. If they use the little head phone like plug they won't use phantum. They use what's called plug in power. So you'll need the Zoom XYH6 peace or even the XY H5 peace. Then connect them to that.

On 2/9/2019 12:24 PM, Andy via Groups.Io wrote:
Hi Dane and list.

Further to my last message a few weeks ago when I advised that I had secured the assistance of my local bar maid to describe the layout and functions of my Zoom F8N, and that I had also secured assistance in setting my device up by the Radio Operations Manager at BBC Radio Scotlands flagship at Pacific Quay.

Well guys all went very well indeed.

I recorded the bar maid on my old Olympus DS50, so I can return to that as often as I need. The BBC engineer's visit was slightly later than planned and I simply forgot all about making a recording! Shame that.

Anyway Dane. You were right, the functionality is laid out very simply and very tactilly and like you said, it's going to be a piece of cake.

Although I was wanting him to set up 24 bit WAV at 192, he recomended against this and droped to the standard of 40 or 48. He stated that the human ear really could not tell the difference. I just wanted it because it was there.

After he asked me of the kind of recording I did, he recommented that tracks 1 through 4 should be on microphone and tracks 5 through 8 Line in.

Anyway I couldn't argue with a sound engineer of our capital radio station, haha.

Anyway it's all done now and I intend to use my old X Y and Side angle microphones to plug directly into the device for desk-top or table-top recordings.

But it's a Field Recorder so I want to get out and about in the streets and record things, so the clip-on microphones will be of little use as the device will be in a sound bag.

So I'm looking for a good microphone that I can attach to my jacket.

I would love to use my BSM Binaural microphones for this but I don't know exactly how to do this. Obviously I'd need an adaptor to take the small plug up to quarter of an inch. But would I need Phantom power turned on, on that channel?

One thing is for sure I cannot walk through the streets of Glasgow with a guide dog on my left, a sound bag hanging from my right and me holding a microphone out in front of me. This is why I like the BSm 9 Clip on microphones.

Any advice regarding how best to use my BSM binaural microphones out of doors or an alternative type of body microphone that anyone can recommend would be very helpful.

Very best wishes.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Dane Trethowan" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019 1:47 AM
Subject: Re: [all-audio] To Dane and list

I’m not laughing and I’m very lucky I guess in that I’m curious and I get some sighted assistance every now and then to give me a hand. Firstly the Zoom F8N stands on 4 rubber feet which are placed on the bottom of the recorder so you know where the bottom is by the feel of the rubber feet. The top is easily identified by 4 slotted screws that hold the recorder into the rack mount. There is a handle on each side of the recorder so when the recorder is standing on its rubber feet these each handle will be protruding from either side of the recorder. The display of the recorder therefor is on the front left with the control panel taking up the rest of the area on the front panel. On the left hand side you have tracks 1 through 4 as XLR/TRS inputs along with the 2 SD Card slots and the multi function USB port. On the right hand side you have tracks 5 through 8 XLR/TRS inputs along with the external power supply socket mini XLR out sockets, a sub output socket and the headphones socket. On the back from left to right there is the Zoom Capsule connector which has a cover over it, 2 sockets which are for Time syncing with a video camera and so on and the 9 volts DC power socket for the supplied AC adapter. At the bottom on the recorder at the back in the centre is the screw to you losen to remove the battery compartment door so you will have to turn the recorder upside down to insert batteries.

On 26 Jan 2019, at 11:34 am, Andy via Groups.Io <> wrote:

Hi Dane and list.

Regarding my Zoom F8n, I managed to secure the assistance from the BBC Radio Scotland's, radio Operations Manager today by phone and I'm delighted that he is willing to set up my Zoom F8n for me.

This is fantastic because I don't know anyone up here in the wilderness of Scotland who could help me out.

So I'm meeting him a his work in 2 weeks time and although the setting up should be simple for him, I'm still very unsure of the device I've purchased.

I'm hoping to get my local bar maid to describe the recorder and it's buttons and also the Zoom bag that I also purchased and of course I've also got Youtube.

But I really got to ask Dane this silly question.

I've unboxed my Zoom and it looks as though it stands on it's left side vertically, however the rather large and clumsy Zoom F8n bag I purchased will only take the device laying on it's back.

So how would anyone see the display on the right edge if it's in a bag?

Dane, I'm sure will be having a good old laugh at me, as I've had the device for about 3 months now.

So please dane, be gentle with me, hahaha!

Very best wishes.


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