Adding Pawel who is looking into this issue.

From: Lioy, Marcello []
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 3:52 PM
To: Vincent Du <>; Arvind Padole 
Cc: Josh Spain <>;
Subject: RE: [Alljoyn-core] Remaining Blocker (ASACORE-3486)

Sorry everyone for the confustion.  Are we sure the issue isn’t one with 
conversion to the XML string?  Arvind – who worked on the XML APIs?  Including 
Kevin and Dan in case they have some insight.

Bug is:

From: Vincent Du []
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 3:07 PM
To: Lioy, Marcello <<>>
Cc: Josh Spain <<>>;<>;
 Arvind Padole 
Subject: Re: [Alljoyn-core] Remaining Blocker (ASACORE-3486)


Sorry for the confusion. The issue I was referring to is a separate one from 
ASACORE-3486, but it happens to be XML-related as well.

It is not blocking because it is more of a XML tag and functions naming issue 
that would confuse API users.



On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 4:26 PM, Lioy, Marcello 
<<>> wrote:
I thought I saw that Vincent iddn’t think it was a blocker (I haven’t read the 
whole thread though).

Have we made it through the other Sec2.0 testing?

From: Josh Spain [<>]
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 2:09 PM
Cc: Lioy, Marcello <<>>; 
Arvind Padole 
Hertel, Carrie 
<<>>; Pawel 
Winogrodzki <<>>
Subject: Remaining Blocker (ASACORE-3486)


We have one remaining potential blocker, 
ASACORE-3486<>. This is an 
issue with XML validation of Security 2.0 manifest XML. The only workaround is 
to not use the XML versions of the Security 2.0 functions.

@Pawel, can you provide more details on the severity of this bug and whether or 
not you think it should block the release?


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Josh Spain
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