>First, have there been any clock modifications to the rme9652, or
>potential problems cropping up over the last few months that would make
>word clock sync not possible?

no. word clock sync works fine here.

>What kind of cabling and terminators should be used? Can one connect the
>BNC connectors directly to the card without going through a t
>connector? (as in will the hammerfall provide termination) I thought I saw
>something from rme on the subject but it appears to have disappeared.

i have never seen any docs on whether the hammerfall self-terminates.
it would be good to know.

you should be preferably be using cables made for word clock such as
those by apogee, but since these cost 5 times more than a standard
75ohm coaxial video cable, its understandable if you didn't. in the
studio, we have both kinds of cables, and actually, its the apogee one
that was bad.

>Can we have a feature that tells us in the logs (if asked to) that we have
>lost clock sync on some port, or that time code is not valid if using word
>clock etc?

1) time code has *nothing* do to with word clock. they are totally
      independent of each in every way.

2) the hammerfall has read-only sync-status controls. ardour/gtk uses
      them to display sync status in its GUI. the driver doesn't
      want the responsibility of polling their condition - thats
      the job of an application. take a look at the code in
      audioengine/hammerfall.cc to see how this is done.


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