Robert Siemer wrote:

> Like any driver, it owns the cpu until finished or until driver code
> gives cpu away. The driver can only be pre-empted by interrupts and
> such.
> The kernel is not monitoring itself, it's monitoring user space
> processes...

Yes, I think I get it. Of course the kernel is not monitoring his own
process (it would be a mess).

So, it seems you are right about it. This is probably alsamixer waiting
for a return which is not coming (probably because of a data race
because of SMP).

> The alsamixer is probably making a sys-call (after that we are running
> in kernel space) and that does not return - and - seems to hold the
> cpu...
> As pings are working, interrupts and such are working. - They pre-empt
> the spinning driver but return cpu back to it when finished...



Thanks for the link.


Ford:   You'd better be prepared for the jump into hyperspace.
         It's unpleasently like being drunk.
Arthur: What's so unpleasent about being drunk?
Ford:   You ask a glass of water.
   -- Arthur first jump into hyperspace (Douglas Adams)

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