I have a Hitachi SH4 based embedded system with AD1881
codec. I have developed an ALSA driver for it and it
is functional. Now there is a problem that, the .wav
files when played back with 'aplay' are played back in
twice the speed. i.e, a .wav file of 48000 sample rate
and S16_LE format playsback in twice the speed than
expected. But if I set the the AD1881 DAC rate to
24000, the playback is fine. For recording also, I
have noticed the same speed difference (2:1) when I
play back the recorded file on a Windows PC. This
speed mismatch is seen for all sample rates. I hope I
have to set the playback/record rate as the DAC/ADC
rate. If so, why is this mismatch in speed?

Also, the I get 'unaligned access', or system hangs
when I use rate 44100 for rec/playback with 'aplay'

I use alsa release 0.9.1
Please help me with your valuable suggestions.


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