To help you to better understand whats happening there, let me try to explain the envy24control as I understand it (and I may be wrong).

Your first example is right on for creating a typical stereo L-R channel input source from any 2 inputs (HW1 and HW2 in your example). Muting and/or lowering the right gain level on the left side and so on to the other side correctly routes L-R audio. To explain the two gain controls for each channel better, Imagine what a more conventional mixer would do, one that had a single gain level control and a L-R 'pan' control. Maxing out the gain level, and setting pan to center is the same as setting both level controls to max with this mixer. Setting pan to either full L or full R would be the equivalent of maxing the level on the pan side and lowering the level to 0 on the opposite side.

My best guess as far as the 'logic' for the arrangement is that it is alot more directly connected to what is being done to the hardware. Panning isnt a feature of the chipset, its a mathematical conversion that would take place in software and result in certain L and R level values being sent to the card, as is being done directly by the user now. If in a later version, a single level / pan configuration is introduced, I would actually hope to have the option to revert back to this configuration. It's kinda grown on me :)

patrick wrote:
// really sorry //


sorry to post screenshot to the list... but i want to be clear (as i'm not
really good in english).

i don't understand the logic of the envy24control! i have 2 volume control
(Left and Right) for 1 channel : S/PDIF In Left. same thing for S/PDIF In R.
What is the best, to mute the right control for the Left channel and to mute
the left control for the Right channel? if i unmute all volume control the
sound is louder... maybe not better?

what should be a reasonable value here : i set it to 240, but 255 doesn't

my system:
m-audio delta 410
linux redhat planetccrma-2.4.24-1
alsa 1.0.1-1
jack 0.94.0-1





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