Helge Fredriksen wrote:
> Ok, here's what I found out:
> Since these cards seem to lack the support for doing frequency 
> conversion in HW, you simply need to use the alsa plugin
> plughw instead of hw when referring to the card:
> arecord -Dplughw:0  test.wav
> aplay -Dplughw:0 test.wav
> Then alsa do the conversion for you... Strange though that giving hw 
> the argument
> -r 48000 didn't seem to work either.
> Credit to Florian Bomers for helping me out.
> Regards,
> Helge Fredriksen
Are you using any kind of sound server?  I have a Rev5.1 and I use 
direct library calls to set the internal hardware frame rate to one 
supported in hardware without any problems whatsoever, *unless* 
something else has taken over the card.  I use plughw because it does 
format conversions automatically which is handy but no frame rate 
conversion is done unless required.  48000 is a framerate that the card 
supports, so there should be no conversion required (others are 44100, 
64000, 88200, 96000, 176400, 192000) .  When you use hw instead of 
plughw, you are taking responsibility for all conversions to the cards 
internal representation.  The Rev5.1 uses signed 32 bit integers 
internally.  Most wav files are signed 16 bit integer files.  plughw 
will convert, hw won't.

At least that's my understanding.  Could be wrong.  :-)

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