Reviewer: Scott Bradner
Review result: Ready

This is an OPD-DIR review of ALTO Extension: Entity Property Maps

review conclusion: Ready with questions

This document describes extensions to the ALTO protocol to support additional
functionality, as such this document describes technology that will make
operating a network better (not necessary easier since there is more to do)

I did not find any particular operational issues issues

two questions though
1/ with language like the following
“this document specifies a protocol extension for defining and retrieving ALTO
properties” and “The concept of an ALTO Entity generalizes the concept of an
ALTO Endpoint defined in Section 2.1 of [RFC7285].”

I would have assumed that the new RFC would update RFC 7285 but the header of
the ID does not say that it updates anything - if this has already been
discussed and decided then fine but it sure looks like an update to me

2/ section 12.2 describes the "ALTO Entity Domain Registry" and specifically
says that additions to the registry require "IETF Review" but section 12.3,
which describes the "ALTO Entity Type Registry" and says what info must be
included in any request to add items to the registry but does not say what, if
any review is needed - leaving it open ended seems wrong to me


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