Erik Ebert <> writes:

> I just ran into the same issue.       My java control panel shows java 8,
> but that error message seems to indicate that it is trying to execute with
> a much earlier version of java.

I figured out what was going on with this. When you install Java 8 from
Oracle, it only registers itself as being able to run java Applets
inside your web browser, and not able to run desktop applications. So,
Mac OS X picks the only version on the system which says it can run
desktop apps -- the older version supplied with the operating system.

I think I've managed to work around this in version 1.8.7 by changing
how our applications start.

1.8.7 also comes with an installer script which fixes the warnings you
get when running the application. The readme describes how to execute
the script (control clicking on the script and then selecting 'Run').

I'd love feedback from anyone running Mac OS X to see if things are


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