Conrad Hughes wrote:
> * If I understand correctly (and there's no guarantee that I do), the
>   vfat change was to ensure that a file on a vfat FS would have the same
>   inode number for the duration of a single mount; inodes need to be
>   constructed in some manner on vfat because it doesn't actually have
>   real inodes, and the previous mechanism meant that a file's inode
>   wouldn't be constant (for example a rename would change it; this
>   caused much gnashing of teeth among one crowd of people).  This new
>   mechanism means inodes are fixed for the duration of a mount, but if
>   you umount and remount then you have no guarantee of continuity; this
>   is now causing gnashing of teeth amoung another crowd.  Since tar
>   --listed-incremental seems to record inodes, it gets very confused if
>   the machine umounts and mounts a vfat system between backups (as would
>   inevitably be the case if you rebooted for example).

I had the same problem, since I reboot my machine at least once day,
between backup runs. So my solution was to avoid the use of tar with the
"--listed-incremental=FILE" option and using "--incremental" instead.

To achieve this I had to change the file config/config.h near line 628,
GNUTAR_LISTED_INCREMENTAL_DIR as shown below and recompile.

/* Used in sendbackup-gnutar.c 

Backing up VFAT-partitions now works fine. On the other side however
Linux-Directories with changes may use more backup-space.

| Andreas Herren   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

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