Don't know if this problem has been solved for you, but if you are using
hosts.allow/deny, you may find it necessary to permit aanda access in

For me, simply adding to hosts.allow

amandad: (ip of backup host) 

worked a treat. 

On Wed, 21 Feb 2001, John R. Jackson wrote:

> >...  Another curious problem is that in the faq it says to do a
> >
> >netstat -a | grep -i amanda
> >
> >and that this should return something.  I get nothing when I do this.  
> >/etc/services has a listing for amanda and kamanda etc...
> Then xinetd is not set up right (which has been a real PITA recently)
> and it is not listening on the Amanda port, which means nothing is going
> to work.
> You did HUP xinetd, didn't you?  Is xinetd logging anything?
> Here's an xinetd.d file from Joshua E Warchol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> that
> is typical of those reported to work;
> service amanda
> {
>           protocol                = udp
>           socket_type             = dgram
>           wait                    = yes
>           user                    = amanda # whatever --with-user was
>           group                   = amanda # whatever --with-group was
>           groups                  = yes
>           server                  = /usr/local/libexec/amandad
>           server_args             = amandad
> }
> >I've found that I can run amandad by hand and it acts as predicted ...
> You're not even getting that far.  You need to figure out the xinetd
> problem first.
> >Andrew
> John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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